I know sites like imagerotation.com can be be used to have a sig that changes when the page is refreshed but is there a way of having your sig pic change and keep changing to different picures and links without the need to refresh? Basiclly it would look like a slideshow but each picture would be a different map link also would it possible to have one or more pics stay up longer or shorter than the rest e.g. 1st pic 3 seconds 2nd pic 4 seconds 3rd pic 1 second etc. Can this be done? thanks
That was posted 5 hours ago! lol Anyway, like your thread title, you would have to have it animated. You nned to get all your images and make them into one animated gif.
ok how would that be done? would there be a way of having pictures up for different amounts of time? would each picture act as a different link