Very nice definite download should get featured these are so amazing its hard to criticize other than how come you used boxes lol foundries limitations somtimes it would be nice if there were none good job should be a map on everyones harddrive
Along with Project X, I liked this one 2nd. I think your maps were much more epic when they were larger... Project U ftw!
gawd I hearted this. The U is freakin epic (even though its kind of a V ;D) the sniper tower is an orgasm and a half. Btw I know about the shaky pillar at the start :]
Thanks you two. Yes, the limitations of Foundry is lame...It's the one thing holding me & shad0w back from making something superduper huge (like size wize) I still think Project U is the worst of the 3, Project S & X are tied for 1st... lulz, it's a U, shutup nub. Thanks pmp, but we make maps together (shad0w and I) so don't think it was an individual =]
way different then your other map it looks like its good for CTF and Team Slayer. Also i like the fealing of openess but not to much. 3/5
I just remembered about Project U, sorry for the almost necro-bump everyone... Anyways, blitkrieg, in all the posts you made in our maps, you seem to have either had something against us, or you are a heavy critic. I don't know, but your posts are so close to spam they irritate me. Try going a bit further in depth. Since they are notspam, I am unable to neg rep you, and unable to report you. So, whatever, but just know that with your post structure atm, you could get on a few people's nerves.
WOW! Awesome! I love the curved hammer spawn, and the flag spawn is one of a kind. I love it. Definate dl.
Do you have a version of this map with the infinite budget glitch still enabled? I'd like to play around with the weapon spawns on this map to see what it does to gameplay, if that's alright.
It looked like a good map the moment i saw the pictures, but then when I actually played on the was awesome and it does seem really big for some reason. Keep up the good work. P.S whats the "door technique".
Soooo...Did you dl/check it out? rofl The flag spawn was one of a kind, but thanks for the comment ;D Actually, hate to disappoint you, but we do not release that. Sorry, the release version is un-editable, for the most part, which is why. (In other words, prevents map-thieves) The "door technique" is where you use doors to geo-glitch into the map. A much easier technique then the old school. Here is a video on how to use the "door technique."
Ewwwww MLG to Halo is the stomach bile to the human body. Lawl, that is just my honest opinion...But anyways, I'm glad this map has had such great feedback, as Shad0w n I kinda consider it like the step-child of the Project Series.
Hold on. Is the flag spawn merged into the double box? If so, that was ingenious. And sorry if this question has already been asked... I just didn't feel like combing through 14 pages of comments. I will think about dl'ing, but no promises.
I don't know if i have replied to this already but ill do it again. This map is phenominal . Like actually brilliant, it is one of the few maps that i actually play with my friends for fun, good job 9/10