Well, i decided to follow Zerosuns tut [even though i have gimp]. This is what came out. C and C plox
hey looks pretty awesome! Only thing i see that could be improved is lower the opacity on text and lines? V2?
You can nao tell me where to find good sprites like these? Nice sig, but the C4D in front of the 'focal' is a bit too visible, IMO.
i have used the same set for both sigs, i don't wan to give them away, cuz i like em, and if loads of people use them, it would be dumb.
There was a sprite site which my friend showed me ages ago to make like comics which were cool .. they were nintendo ones but i liked them .. I would love to find that site again .. Btw nice sig! I like the black one better because i personally like dark sigs .. However the red one is class too! =]