Well I can't play it now, because of a broken Xbox, but it looks amazing, and can I ask what's up with the "I shoot at the stairs but it ends up behind me" thing?
This map was lots of fun on slayer and the question mark is a great piece of aesthetics. I like your weapon choice for all the variety and rarely are fuel rod guns used effectively.
That would be lag. Explosions + lag = a whole bunch of confusion for everyone. Gracias. Yup, I don't see why people are so crazy on the Rocket Launcher and always ignore the Fuel Rod Gun. It's like a green Brute Shot on roids. And it's good to see people playing some matches on the map, although slayer isn't really the best choice tbh. Try a game of flag or bomb if you get the chance, objective games play a whole lot better.
The map looks like it could be from Bungie itself! This is the first ever map I've seen that uses the two sides, instead of the big side of Foundry, you just instead, be creative and use the two respawn sides, with an overpass at the center of the map. I think it's just that, what makes this map so awesome. Aswell as your Forging, you Interlocking and just your placement of Scenery, it just looks like it all placed on the perfect spot, allowing people, for example, hide behind a Wall, where you think there is going to be much killing. Though after all that positive stuff, I see one issue, that is the center of the map. I think that area, is going to be a bit campy, looking at the weapon list. I suggest removing some of the power weapons, though they seem so well placed. Your ability and your talent with Forging impresses me heavily, your map looks like it would sync alot with CTF. I gotta try that out. And a question: Isn't two Fuel Rods a bit too much? Isn't that a major issue at the gameplay experience? I think if you would make a V2 it would change alot, though, this map is very awesome nontheless, your two sided map looks like it plays insane for gameplays like, CTF, or Assault. I think one sided GameTypes maybe would work aswell, but I'm not really sure about that. And I noticed the Fence Boxes, those are placed so wall, with such an upwarded motion, that must feel very awesome in-game. And I love the ? outside, what does it mean, though? Sir, this is a definite DL, I hope you're going to post more awesome maps like this.
I'm assuming you mean the pillar room when you say the center of the map, as the sniper spawn is also central and there is no true center when playing on asymmetrical gametypes. The only true place where players can camp in the pillar room is behind the angled double walls, and grenades (or approaching from the other side) can put an end to that real quickly. The grav-hammer can be deadly if the other team is impatient and rushes without checking corners first, but there is adequate defense against it placed on the map. The two fuel rods might seem like too much, but the lack of ammo (no spare clips for each) and long respawn (2 minutes each) keeps them from dominating the map. One FRG with no ammo is usually only good for 1 kill, so it's not like giving each team a fully loaded rocket launcher. And as "enigma" is generally defined as something unknown and/or mysterious, I figured a question mark would fit the map name well. Thanks, good to hear it. I don't think the back part of foundry is any less suitable for maps than the main part...just different.
I'm surprised this got revived, thanks for the enthusiasm. Yea, that's what everyone else has been saying. Guess all you guys are gonna be disappointed when I release my next map (after Azure Warpath) which takes place entirely in the big area of Foundry. Don't worry, you'll live through it.
The interlocking and geo merging gets sloppy in some spots, but other than that it actually a really good map. I've actually never seen a map that just uses that portion of Foundry. It seems like you tested the map out for a while, from what I thought. The weapon placement seemed balanced, the clips were good, and the spawns worked great. This map is really good for a casual 2v2. Thanks. 5/5.
Update! Walkthrough videos are now available for both Enigma and Azure Warpath, check 'em out below. Enigma Walkthrough Video Azure Warpath Walkthrough Video and... Thanks, it has been tested and revised multiple times. I don't know where the sloppiness is, perhaps you're talking about the glitchiness of the interlocking in one of the bases (the flashing glitch where two interlocked objects fight each other).
Very impressive! Great interlocking and design. Good use of the back of foundry. Incendiary grenade =) Question Mark? Very creative and original. Smooth interlocking! Great job, keep making maps! 5/5
Incendiary nades are awesome, it's a shame that bungie couldn't make the animation less taxing on the framerate and connection. I guess that's why we play customs. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.
Yeah, I wish there were incendiary nades in matchmaking, there is a flamethrower, too bad =( Are you working on any new maps? Looking forward to what you come up with next. Awesome map!
I posted Azure Warpath about a week ago, it's in my sig if you haven't seen it yet. My next map will be Z3novation. I've got it done and tested a bit, I'm just short on time right now for putting any effort into a post (AP classes are killin' me). And I just picked up Madden 09, so I might take a short haitus from halo to gun some passes to Laverneous Coles with Brett Favre's rocket arm. We'll see.
Just checked out azure warpath, looks great. I like it that the vehicles can go across the shield door bridge, very original. =]
Thanks. And I just noticed that Intimidation has 5 more dl's than this map...I wonder which will come out on top? Whoa, what the eff? A mod or someone deleted the post of the person (Gollygeeelite) who revived the three-week-old thread in the first place. You can see cuz I quoted that person's post in my response. Whatever happened, it just makes me seem like the asshole who bumped his own three-week-old thread. It means that someone revived a dead thread (typically dead for two weeks or more). Gollygeeelite was the necroposter here, but his post got deleted for whatever reason.
Nah, somebody else revived it when I posted Azure Warpath about a week ago. A wouldn't really consider it a huge necropost, especially when maps like Project X have been revived over and over again. Bumping an old map because you like it or think it deserves more attention is not necessarily a necropost. A true necropost is more of something like "lemme comment on this map and see if anyone notices that it's from February". And I'll be keeping a close eye on that competition. May the best forger prevail.