Highest I have ever got to was 700 with SpaceAge v2. That was the first map you ever posted... Code Impulse is the other anhd it is coming up fast! I updated the map a couple days ago and it allready has like 100. Keep in mind that competitve maps are the hardest to get peple to download. I believe the easiest is minigames and than its aesthletics.
like 204 for some pic, i'm not sure how much caverns v7 got, cause i recently updated it and it went back to 0, but its at like 4 now
around 2000 (1994 to be exact my year of birth!). Yeh, it was from my first successful map you know, the retarded lake that so many people liked for some mysterious reason.
For any 1 version of a map, 300-350. For a map total... 800 would be pushing it. Wish I knew how to get my maps more publicity.