yes indeed one flag and one bomb are great, good post paulie and great astheatics, espesially the clock tower i think i useing that for bfront
well i think that the clock was genius cuase abnormal things are pretty intresting love the crane It is cool how there are a bunch of small buildings 5/5 the only possible way it could be improved is if you modded it so it would get darker and the clock would actually rotate, which is impossible but i downloaded it cant wait to play 2morrow
thank you for the rating, i wanted give the map a very urban feeeling, and im sure it is possiable to mod the clock lol, but i wouldnt try.
great map i enjoyed testing it the only fault is a bump near sniper i didnt to annoying though, good clock tower, and weapon placement
Whoa dang Paulie, why did you tell me yesterday it was too late to bump because it would be a necro-post? That takes TWO weeks to become a necro post, you still had a whole nother week. So, obviously Metro is NOT dead... yet.
Once again, great job! 5/5. Very creative and aesthetic. The gameplay looks good and there is nice interlocking. I like the thought that was put into making this map.
yea theres a slight bump but it doesnt effect gameplay, and thanks lulz i know its 2 weeks for a necro post thanks, i wanted to make an aesthetic map that has solid gameplay, and from what people tell me gameplay is great
It looks like a re-make of headlong, game play looks pretty good, though may i suggest a bit more cover the ground level, that way, the team that gets stuck on the ground isn't slaughtered by battle rifles and snipers. Really nice map though 5/5
I have to say, this looks like one of the best maps I've seen in a quite while. Can't wait to see if I can add it to my regular Custom Games lineup!
wow this map of all maps still hasnt gotten featured? -.-" thats odd. Ive played this map dozens of times now. I play it almost as much I play Paragon and Rampart.
thanks, i have almost no complaints on the map =] thanks, whats your favorite gamtype to play?, i believe that 1 flag works best, and most people enjoy it the most thanks alot, and who knows... i would like it to be
Impressive overall First of all, I enjoyed it. But can you say Battle Rifle? I mean Christ, there are enough BRs on this map to fill a whole fleet of pelicans! I recognize that the BR is the weapon of choice for a map of this range, but the availability of spawns and the resulting unlimited supply of ammo makes all other weapons on the map useless. This is not an MLG map. It may be Asymmetric, but balance is still key. I gather that the fusion coils next to the turret are there to deter campers. However, combined with the aforementioned surplus of BRs, they make using the attached turret a death wish. Suicide. Players recognize this very quickly, and rather than break it off and face the BRs at reduced speed, the turret is just no longer an option. I like the clock tower. It's freaking amazing. But I would suggest moving the top platform further into the roof of the tower. Not only will it make the jump up easier, but it will fill in the dip that I keep getting stuck in without hurting aesthetics or functionality. Speaking of Aesthetics - and I am adressing the forging community as a whole here - Sticking inaccessable vehicles and **** behind fences is NOT a proper substitute for aesthetics. This is not the ****ing Pit. If you have extra budget, either make something with it or don't use it. (In this case don't spam Battle Rifles.) Anyway, rocking appearance, rocking playability -- overall, the map is extremely good. Not front page good, but good good. An extra hour or two of fine-tuning would have boosted my rating but as of now, I give it a 7/10. Keep up the good work and happy forging!
im glad you like the map, i am aware that there are alot of brs but most people like gameplay with them cause of the large scale of the map, and you have a point about the scenary outside the map but i thinks it looks cool, but thanks.
This was a great map, I played some FFA Slayer on it yesterday albeit a bit laggy towards the end, it was still quite fun and enough for myself to compose my response. My first response(s) were from a forgethrough. I have now had the opportunity to play on it. I've been smart/lucky with the maps I've been downloading as almost all have been just great; and this was no different. The clocktower although having no affect on gameplay... wait, yes it did. Some people actually stopped and stared at it in awe. That was quite helpful towards my final score. Placement of those receivers was nothing short of perfect; one of the best teleporter signs I've seen. I feel the highway, is such an awesome BR Spot. Running back and forth, strafing from side to side attempting to avoid BRs while hoping you'll be able to make that jump to the rocket... a truly awesome in-game moment. The weapons set, although fairly standard/basic suits this map so very well. A great BR map, the layout and structures really complement BRs, well it complements all of the weapons placed. The map really suited larger partied Slayer games. The diversity of the map adds to this attribute; the difference in structures and the variety in the layout are so unique. It has such a great first impression and great durability, everyone was enjoying themselves... until the lag. We all just loved it, some people I didnt even encounter as they kept spawning in opposite corners. That shows the diversity of this map, I loved that feature. Each spot has been made so well, I'm surprised this hasnt hit the homepage. Your merging with the crane, in all areas. Whether it was above, below, through, around. You've really done something original with the crane and I applaud you for that. You are such a great urban map maker, this is yet another great map to add to add to your collection. The map is a wonderful piece of art and an incredible battlefield for competitive gameplay the same time. It as taken the best of both worlds and combined them into something that hasn't been done with a whole lotta success in the past, so congratulations and well done on another fantastic map. Everything has been made so well, each spot brings its own unique addition to this. As I said earlier, I'd really like to see this featured. Its earned a rather lengthy stay on my HD. Great job Mr. Paulie Wallnuttz. You sir, have created a superb map.