I WANT TO EAT THIS MAP ALVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such yummy and suculent interlocking and design!!!!!!!!!1!!!! im dling when i get my box back
relax. calm down. stop doin drugs. go eat some delicious amazing mouth watering succulent yummy tasty..........food.
I'm sorry but this map is a little to out of my league. I love the look of it. I can't describe it. 5/5 + Rep
EVEN MORE ACTION SHOTS have just been added. Just wondering how you give someone rep, I'm new to the HUB.
I think that this map looks very clean and well thought out. The interlocking looks awesome. I haven't played it yet, but I can't wait till I do! 5/5.
these pics don't do the map much justice. going through it in forge, i started having fun all by myself!? this is a great map. the hole in the center is way awesome the way you have it set up with the weap holder and the grav lift. strikes me as a pretty hectic FFA map. doubles sounds more conservative and intense. there realy isn't anything to smooth out. you did a super job.
Please give it a try and come back with suggestions. I would like to know what improvements I could make. I'm considering a flamethrower instead of a sword for v4!
You my friend have put my, my friends, and any hope of interlocking skills to shame! This must have taken days of hard work to make. Let me just say that this very well might get featured depending on how well the gameplay is and if you geomerged at all i can't tell. 5/5 + rep! Keep forging!
All the versions of this map together took about 30 hours to make. Team doubles is a must play on this map as well as oddball and ffa slayer. There is no geomerging but it was not necessary because no part of this map uses the foundry floor and its floor is made completely out of interlocked boxes. sorry about the excess labeling in some of the pics =p have fun...
I have to agree with one of the other posts, the map is nice, i did DL and played it. But the post has so many things that could be better. Your text color, and more importantly size are not good, i couldnt read the text, because firefox tries to resize it, and everytime i would scroll a little it would jump from large to really large. The pics as well could be better, too many action shots, no enough overall shots. Its hard to get a feel for the level looking at shots from inside bubble shields, and shots with large explosions etc. Also the pics need to be resized, they are too big, which some people have problems downloading, and also they cause some glitches with the auto resizing. Better links would be nice. Sorry to sound like i am ripping you, i like the map, just not the post.
I took some of your suggestions... *made font smaller *added new shots *got rid of some of the pointless explosion pics *picture of someone using deployable lift! Ill keep improvin...
this map looks great. the interlocking is very clean. i might dl. ps. hey can you guys put commments on my map departed v1. it is in competetive maps and no-one is replying. my last map was given many replies and this one (wich is awesome) isn't. i think it is my internet messing up.
im not sure about all the camping spots. i don't really like sheild doors either, but you seemed to think of everything. i like how you made spots that were good for each weapon but not perfect. original idea one mor dl
I realized when I created this map that people would dislike the shield doors. Because there is a fusion coil in the back of the sword cave and the other shield door for the shotty spot is moved further backwards there really isn't much camping on this map. Please play and then tell me where people are camping so I can fix it... Keep in mind that this map is a huge improvement from v2 and many camp spots have been destroyed. Enjoy the map! =)