Thanks for posting that ^^ Assembly loos great. Somewhat cramped, though. That Grav-Lift near the end is cool, just like in the Halo 2 level. I wonder what Forge will be like on it..
Little quick to judge aren't we? If I were you I would wait until Bungie gives more details to judge the map.
I actually really like how this map looks and I could honestly see this becoming one of my favorite maps. It doesn't look like it will have much forge potential but we are in desperate need of maps that just play good.
Assembly looks so freakin tight! I love the aestletics! My only wish is that it has alot of room off its edges to forge. After these pics I'm sure everybody is exited!
Exactly. Whilst I'd give my left nut for a new forge oriented map, I'm not gonna say no to another mid size map that plays well, especially after the disappointment that was Blackout. It looks really nice, and I actually think that it looks alot less cramped than Midship, it doesn't seem to suffer from the same verticality. It looks nice and wide, and the variations between open areas and enclosed rooms look nice enough. I also really like how many little routes around the map there appear to be, I'm really looking forward to this one. Just hope that Moonbase Alpha is equally as interesting.
Heres some information about Assembly. Design Due to the name, possible origin, and structure of the level, some fans have speculated that this map will be set on a structure of Covenant origins, with the map possibly taking place on a space station like the Unyielding Hierophant or ship like the Pious Inquisitor. According to the Bungie Weekly Update[3], this is going to be a brand-new map, squashing rumors that Purple Reign (the map's original name) might be a remake of Halo 2's multi-player map, Midship. It is said to be nearly perfectly symmetrical, with the mid section being higher than the rest of the map. It is also said that it based outside with "some excellent line of sight and well thought-out vertical problems and opportunities[4]". The map is focused on competitive playing, as it is multi-story arena-style map. It features two "somewhat enclosed" bases, with one-way mirrors on the second floor (like those in interrogation rooms), where players will be able to look out, but players outside will be unable to see in[5]. The arena is designed like a bowl, with the floor slightly concave and dotted with columns for cover. Four elevated walkways converge in a small bi-level center structure that sports a cache of important items. Mystery Before Assembly was removed from the Legendary Map pack, it was stated that one of the maps would expand upon the Scarab-Hunter mystery. In a recent Weekly Update[6], it was stated that, "One base of this open-air arena could end up getting called 'Energy side' and another call-out could end up 'Hunter side'", so it's possible that this was the map they were referring to. Adding to this mystery, Luke Smith stated on a thread on the Bungie forums that "the name Assembly is extremely[7] This could possibly mean the map takes place on a Covenant factory where Scarabs are assembled or maybe just a reference to the Hunters' scientific name. Of course no one knows for sure. appropriate." Assembly is the official name for the map that was announced in the Bungie Weekly Update[1]. It was originally planned to be in the Legendary Map Pack, but was replaced by Blackout due to the fear that it wouldn't be finished on time. At the current time there is no known release date for this map. (8/22/2008) This Covenant themed map is a symmetrical battleground, not too unlike Midship but a bit larger. With the middle of the map being lower than the rest[2]. It is supposed to be full of mid to long range weapons, and it appears there will be multiple floors. This map is most likely based within a Covenant ship, factory, or some other structure.
Man I just thought of something for infection on this map if they gave us walls in forge we could make a spirit or a phantom out of items in the air like the pelican.