Star Wars TFU

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by fornozo, Aug 29, 2008.

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  1. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    So the date have been set (16th sep for USA,19th sep for EU) for this game.
    The demo have been launched and i have to say it looks sweet!
    Even tho i where going to buy it before i saw the demo i think that after playing it i wouldn't doubt.
    A factor that makes the game very detailed is that they use not just one but 3 grafics engines in the game so everytime you grab something with the force it will act differently.

    Backstory of the game:

    You play as Darth Vaders secret apprentice in the hunt for the jedis. Meanwhile Vader wants you to hunt and kill the last remaining jedi The Emperor can't find out that you exist. You have almost unlimited force power which stretches from throwing troopers/things to useing insane combos with your light saber and force united.
    The game takes place between episode 3-4.

    Source: | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    Play the demo and get back to me please :)
  2. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    Sorry but theres already one of these threads here.
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