Nice colors, bad text. I suggest that you redo the text, new font, new colors. And is the animation necessary? 7/10
It's actually quite an old sig, from my beginner days that I made on GIMP and recently refined on Photoshop. Back then I sucked at text. And know I have a non-animated one lying around somewhere. Yours is also excellent. Great placement of the main pic, and the background is nice and grunge. Fits together well.
7/10, I love the signature itself. But the black area on the right is completly empty and bums out the signature. Also, the text is horrible, no offense. Overall, good sig, but it could be better.
Is that gears of war? I like it but its a bit too blue (wait, its all blue lol) you cold make the people or the text differant colours. 8/10
3/10 for editing, because all you did was slap on some text. But 7/10 because it's funny. Although, I think if it said ''I can haz recon?'' it would have been better, but then again, just my opinion .
Kronos, I like yours, but its a bit dark, and yes, I dont like the quote. Mr. Twiggy, Yours is awsome, I'm guessing you actually know how to use photoshop.
I don't exactly know where you signature is. But I am going to guess it is the text? If so, 4/10 just because it has no editing, but it is 4/10 on a scale of text only photo's, on a signature scale, 1/10.
Penguinish, 5/10, only because i haven't seen another text sig. Twiggy 8/10, amazing editing, but its not halo related. Which may not be bad but it bothers me.
Waaaaay too many effects. You should have left the render alone and kept the effects limited to the background. And the text makes no sense. 5/10
6/10 because it is simple and I like it PS: To Weapwn, I am sorry, but you obviously don't have very much Photoshop experience, first off, you don't just slap on a render to a background, that is probably why your signature is atrocious. Second of all, the text was my old online name, so it does make sense, and on another note, I only used two simple effects which were gradient overlay and shuffle, but you obviously wouldn't know that, so when you go on to make comments like how I use to many effects, and I shouldn't use effects on renders (Which you should), atleast state that you have no idea what your talking about. PSPS: Sorry for the flame everyone.
Its just a personal opinion. Not everyone has to like your sig. I do happen to agree with him but it is still a very nice sig.