Iron Quarantine

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Squiiddish, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    By: Squiiddish

    Supported Gametypes: Containment (Infection Variant)

    There's been a leak. I don't know how, but clearly something went wrong, We took every precaution. Every constitutional right sacrificed for the protection of our nation. Every last safety measure taken. No expense spared.

    But somewhere, something went wrong.

    I don't know how the experiments were first released in the lab, probably just a simple work accident. Nothing major, casualties are expected. We've lost almost 10 scientists on the project so far. Developing a cure for the deadly Anthrax variant from the mother chain itself: Mutating a cure from the poison. It's not easy to do. We've spent months on this damned project, with almost no results. The only thing we've gotten out of this hell-ridden project was death and more diseases. But no cures.
    I assume the virus was released harmlessly enough; a dropped container, faulty equipment, basically anything could have happened. These accidents aren't entirely uncommon. Hell, some of these men would do anything to get out of this hole, even give their own lives. But how did the virus escape the lab... ?
    Did our quarantine fail? Apparently. Did someone carry out the virus? How? Nobody has entered of left this facility since this project began, dead or alive. There's no feasible way this infection could have escaped. But apparently, nobody told the virus that.
    It's loose, and highly contagious. It's running rampant in the nearby villages. Even out here in the middle of nowhere, we see extensions of modern society. Hell, they've got a pretty damn well-stocked bar up there. Not for long, I imagine. This virus is taking it's toll; many of the infected are driven insane to wreak havoc upon the rest of the populous. This village won't last long. But it doesn't matter, we've got to stop the spread of this virus.

    At all costs. Send in the SWAT teams.

    -WASHINGTON DC, 11:35 AM-
    The President has recently released a covert executive order, under the radars of all media, not to mention the entirety of Congress. Sometime earlier this morning, a national disaster occurred in the town of Alpaca, New Mexico. An accident occurred in a government research facility involving a mutated Anthrax strain. This is more than a matter of national security: it's a matter of national survival. The outbreak must be contained at all costs, and so the president issued a highly trained division of US Navy SEALS to the site. These men have undergone years of training: they no what to do. Their orders are simple:

    Take no chances. Kill everything that moves.

    The mission is to be completely top secret. No especially high-ranking officers are to be involved. Don't take the greenest men you've got, but find some that are still naive enough not to question an order like this. Those are the orders I was given.

    My name is SSgt. John Mason, and I'm stuck in this sun-scorched wasteland with only a few good men by my side. This village is in ruins, why do they need us? Every synapse in my body tells me this is wrong... but I've got orders. I've got a family to feed.
    The man from the labs gave me some new armor they'd developed. Cancer research labs, my ass. This armor apparently contracts and becomes more dense on impact, or some similar bullshit, however it works, the thing is completely impervious to gunfire. However, in order to prevent the suit from contracting to the point of destroying itself, a spot had to be left bare. All I have to do is keep these bastards off my ass and nothing can happen to me. I don't imagine we'll even meet resistance on a mission like this. This is just wrong...
    But I took an oath. For the good of America, this has to be done.
    At least... that's what I'm told.


    I really get too entertained with my backstories XD

    Anyway, this is my 5th addition to the Forgehub community. I've been a big fan of Infection maps and variants from the beginning, and I've always wanted to make a good one. I'm sick of the simple formula of run across the map, find an impenetrable hole, and rack up Killionaires. It may be hilarious for 30 seconds as a human, but all in all a good map it does not make. I wanted to try something different.
    In Iron Quarantine, the zombies represent the SEAL squad sent into Alpaca. The humans are the virally infected residents of the small town. The alpha zombie represents SSgt Mason in his heavy armor suit: he's immune to everything except assassinations. However, he also walks 20% slower than the humans.
    All zombies spawn with a BR and an AR, and 2 frag grenades. They have unlimited ammo, but cannot pick up weapons. They have no shields, but 200% damage resistance. Headshots and teamwork are the human's only hope for survival. Now, I'm aware these SEALs aren't exactly facing a trained terrorist force. The humans all spawn with a Plasma Pistol, and nothing else (which does jack crap, seeing as zombies have no shields). Weapons are scattered all over the map, all on 2 1/2 or 3 minute respawn timers. Very few and far between are the guns with an extra clip. This means you're gonna have to keep moving to stay armed and alive.
    Don't lose hope yet, though: the virus has had some very strange effects. The bone structure of these infected humans is remarkable: pound for pound, it is as strong as a spiderweb (if that doesn't seem very strong to you, go Google it. I believe it's many, many times stronger than titanium alloys). The biochemical compounds that make up the bones are altered significantly: this is represented by the humans having normal shields. However, they only regenerate at half speed. This means it'll take a good show of force to take down a diseased human.
    And a lot more to take out a group.

    The map is a highly edited version of Ghost Town. There are no ridiculous flying platforms or anything: every addition makes architectural and logical sense. However, this is almost nothing like the Ghost Town you know. Doorways and passages have been blocked off in many areas, turning the map into an "H" shape. There are also a LOT of added second stories and scaffoldings scattered around, ripe for the climbing. Taking the high ground is the best chance of survival for humans. However, there aren't often weapons up there, so you'll be taking frequent trips to the ground for something to fight with.
    ALL of the weapons on this map are hidden. That doesn't mean there aren't a lot of them, however. Here is a complete weapon list:

    Battle Rifle x 8
    Assault Rifle x 5
    Magnum x 4
    SMG x 5
    Mauler x 3
    Shotgun x 2
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    Flamethrower x 1
    Frag Grenade x 5
    Spike Grenade x 2
    Flare x 2

    The Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, and Flamethrower never respawn. Use them well. A quick trip to a random corner of the map will probably net you a gun to fight with. Try to find one of the BRs: Zombie headshots are your best chance of survival.
    Once the game begins, the zombie will find himself stuck in a box.

    The Humans will all spawn inside Ghost Town's default base.

    The humans will have 30 seconds to run out and grab weapons, and try to find a suitable place to make their stand. I recommend you stick together, if you enjoy life. After 30 seconds, the SEALs cut the power, and in they come...


    Assassinations are the only way to clear the Heavy

    Try to avoid a firey death by Propane Tank XD

    After 3 minutes, the SEALs call in some armor

    Take the high ground!

    The old village bar. In shambles now. What a waste...

    Try to avoid a confrontation with the Heavy

    ...REALLY try to avoid mass genocide by the Heavy
    (there's 3 green corpses in that picture)

    Everyone has a forced color: the Heavy is black, SEALs are blue, and humans are green. Just because I <3 forced colors =D

    Anyway that's about it. This is my first Infection map I've posted, and I look forward to your comments. I would really prefer that you played the map before you decide to give me a bad comment or neg rep, there really is a lot changed about the map. The flow is ENTIRELY different. It might even take you a Forge-through to realize that some of that stuff isn't default Ghost Town XD

    I focused on the little things a lot, like just barely geomerging flying platforms so they'll fit right, or interlocking geomerged objects (the MOST HELLISH TASK I HAVE EVER UNDERTAKEN). This is EASILY the hardest map I have ever forged. I put so much time into getting everything straight and prettylike, a lot of the map looks like it should be default.

    Anyway, yeah, please DL, rate, comment, and give rep if you really like/dislike it. Thanks again for playin mah map ^^

    #1 Squiiddish, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
    XDAO SoX likes this.
  2. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Hmm.... nice thread!
    Anyway, looks very interesting considering that it's on GT.
    Perhaps I will DL!PERHAPS}}}}}}}
  3. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    Glad to see another Ghost Town map. This map seems to excell for infection. And how is it possible to hide all of those weapons?! But I will download this and get back to you.
  4. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Looks good i'll have to dl
  5. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    nice a map other than foundry. i like the idea of the map and it looks really neat 4/5 and im dl
  6. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Oh... there are a lot of places to hide weapons. And a good chunk of them are hidden in areas of the map I forged, in space that doesn't exist in normal GT.
  7. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    wow this is very original considering the fact that in the game zombies are supposed humans and humans are supposed zombies, and it's not like the infection games where the zombies just try to cut people or smash people with hammers. i like it! i'll give it a dl! hopefully i have room
  8. i_support_elites

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    i know this is a really really noob question but, how do you get the one filters on the map? please don't spam me about this.
  9. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This looks cool, I'm downloading and checking this out!! 5/5, I love Ghost Town maps....They're soooooooooooo cool!! I love the way the alpha zombies is the sgt.Johnsson guy or what ever, I'm still downloading. :D EDIT: People who said that they would download, They forgot to download the game variant.
    #9 STEClash96, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
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    this reminds me of my map or idea or name
  11. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I like maps on ghost town and this one is okay, but not the best. it could use some work like you could remove the flamethrower. it is kinda pointless.
  12. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    wowzorz... I am going to download and play with my friends. they love infection and so do I. 4.8/5 nice backstory
  13. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    Ghost Town! Looks pretty good, and I enjoyed reading the story. I'll download when I get more space.
  14. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    I love making ghost town maps and I am working on one right now. This looks extremely fun! I'll download for sure.
  15. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    The Flamethrower is basically purely for the sake of hilarity. Who doesn't love burninating the countryside?

    It's a casual map, not hardcore =P

    If you mean get the filter I have, it's a combination of Juicy, Gloomy, and Colorblind. If you mean how do I make it appear after 30 seconds, I just have the Gloomy and Colorblind set to spawn at start: NO and respawn time: 30 seconds.

    Hope that helps ^^

    Senior Member

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    i like this alot its an infection map in reverse where the zombies fight for survival
    rather then the humans very clever definetly a 5 star rating and a dl from me

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