__________________________________________"Embed Your Pics! Don't Link To Your Fileshare!" This thread may not reach "Forge Hub's Quality Standards" and may require clean up.__________________________________________ These Two Maps are infection types. Killing Field features a large base in the corner of foundry with a large catwalk around one side. the base is easily defended if the team works together. but if anyone slacks on there point of defense the entire base crumbles. be wary of the zombies mounting the catwalk and sneaking around also in the base a teleporter leads to a stationary gauss cannon, take advantge of this. On to The Last Stand, it plays out on last resort in the tall tower to the side of the windmill. also infection it features a tower with few ways to attack. but the zombies spawn VERY close to the base as soon as you spawn kill the first zombies and make your way down stairs to make use of the ample weapons but watch your back the zombies will be back very soon.... These maps are best used with my infected horde game type PLEASE PLAY THIS MAP and give me feedback it will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!! LINK http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=UnDone451
Re: Killing Field & The Last Stand, Infection I cant give you any feedback, because there is no pictures. _________________________________________________ Embed and Do not link us to your file share. Click this to learn how.
Killing Field SLOGAN/SHORT DESCRIPTION map download Gametype download Description: These Two Maps are infection types. Killing Field features a large base in the corner of foundry with a large catwalk around one side. the base is easily defended if the team works together. but if anyone slacks on there point of defense the entire base crumbles. be wary of the zombies mounting the catwalk and sneaking around also in the base a teleporter leads to a stationary gauss cannon, take advantge of this. screenshots screenshots here The Last Stand SLOGAN/SHORT DESCRIPTION Download Map Download Gametype Description: On to The Last Stand, it plays out on last resort in the tall tower to the side of the windmill. also infection it features a tower with few ways to attack. but the zombies spawn VERY close to the base as soon as you spawn kill the first zombies and make your way down stairs to make use of the ample weapons but watch your back the zombies will be back very soon.... screenshots screenshots here Post more like this.
Thanks i will keep that in mind And hippo i said plz PLAY the map and give me FEEDBACK i relize there are no pics i didnt upload any. .