OMG this sounds excellent! I better step on the gas with my new map Anthem. Will maps with very good aestletic be exepted to? Like SpaceAge (in my signature) and Ire of Fire?
They're being considered for matchmaking, so game play takes center stage this time. Aesthetics aren't needed, but they're a bonus if you can fit them into the budget.
Does anyone know if Kentucky Tango was budget glitched? Well, at least they are letting interlocked and geomerged maps in. Lol this info comes out the same day that the ultimate budget glitch is featured. I bet bungie won't mind that lol. One more thing, do you guys think that sentinel beams would be k? Despite not much use, they are a fun and actually a pretty strong weapon.
Kentucky Tango to my knowledge was budget glitched. I'd avoid using the sentinel beam. Its probably avoided for a reason.
Do you think they could remake something like Kentucky Tango with some new weapons- ie less flamethrower and firebombs and replace with like plasma rifle and stickies and make it not budget glitched?
Also, Will Legendary DLC be required (evan if its optional) will they accept maps from Legendary? I'm sure it would be fun to see interlobang in MM. Also I am making a map on Avalanche. I need to overload the map to geogitch a little bit. Will that effect whether the map can get in or not? Does it matter?
H4X GUNN!!! Suhweet, both of my featureds+Crescent are un-budget-glitched, although I can only see Crescent getting in, and I'd probably have to remove the switch =\ Oh well, it would be winly for doubles.
I concur good sir. There are a few non budget glitched maps that have a good chance at making it into matchmaking.
I am late to the party, as always. Anyway, I'm excited for the possibility of getting a map I made into this thing, but it goes against my forging style. No flame nades? No fuel rod and possibly no sentinel beam? What weapons will I use? lol Also... there is a flamethrower on Construct, and there was a forged variant of The Pit in Head to Head that they used the flamethrower on... so would that still be ok, even though flame grenades aren't?
yeah... ah well, I still reckon that if you changed a couple of weapons then Cyclopean would be easily into MM.
Is there currently a place to submit maps? EDIT1: Flamethrowers are all good. They are approved for MM. If they exist in MM, they are okay. Just no Sentinel Beams, Fuel Rods, etc. EDIT2: When he says he may add them to existing playlists, I can't help but think Fissure might have a chance for Squad Battle. 6v6, CTF and Slayer, fits the bill...
What about if the [athstetics] -spelled wrong, was interactive like you could walk on it, and hide/shootthrough it? I have good ideas for a snowbound one too, MLG of course:]
So... what? If I want my super duper best map ever made, and complies with those rules to be in the playlist... What do I do?
Shishka is just releasing small tidbits of information at the time there will be an official post with all the guidelines and a place to submit your map....until then you just have to wait.