I would like to make a new thread to clear out the spam that's in there and also because I'm going to be making Avatars, and Regular Sigs not just Userbars for people, and your then your probably gonna say change the title, and guess what that won't work... I just need some approval of some sort. I'm not sure if belongs here or in a new thread, so I posted it here anyway. -Thank you! P.S.- Here's my thread *LINK*, and please tell me if it doesnt belong here and if so delete this thread.
this would go into off topic, or general discussion idk i think it would be ok, and say something like ask mods to delete all spam in your thread.....that would be good/actually bettter
I did that and It changes my title when your in my thread, but not the link when you are looking at all the other threads in graphics and art.
thats so it doesnt break the links .....it may also take time to do it, im not sure....it would suck if it broke all of them! also, ask mods to delete spam posts (lol not mine!) (it takes my post count down!!!) plOx?
I'm having the same problem editing the title of mine. Normally, you can double click the bar that your thread is in and change the title from there. That didn't work, so I went into advanced and changed it, and nothing happened. When I went back, it showed it as changed. edit: I made a thread in customer service about it.