This is a small map, its not meant for large parties. The map is a two floor long bridge like map. It is perfectly a symmectrical map. There are explosives on the map so be careful where you step. The map is enclosed there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO GET OUT OF THE MAP! Weapons on the map include 1 Flare 2 BR's 2 SMG's 2 Mauler's 1 Sniper Rifle 2 Plasma Rifle's 2 Flame Grenades 2 Fragmentation Grenades 2 Plasma Grenades Enjoy the map. enjoy the slaughter. This is the Top Floor of the map The Bottom floor The alternate Routes that lead to the bottom and top floors This the side hall way with one way leading to the top and one way leading down to the bottom floor Download here
lol i thourght it was going to be a clock sorry anyway nice map but why a sniper in a very inclosed map 4.5/5 for me
*Facepalms to the previous post.* This looks great. It reminds me of Elongation for some reason. Not to mention it's nice and clean. 4/5
Try flipping brideges upside down next time and interlocking the floor, It makes everything smoother also makes it look better! 4/5 I would remove the sniper and replace it with a mauler or shotgun.
i like the windows inside each other. that must've been damn hard. also the gameplay seems very fun. 4/5 for putting bad weps down
Awesome Map! I do love claustophobic maps, well because i make them! But anyway, it looks very neat and i do like seeing non-staff/loyal/premiums using interlocking! I love it 4.5/5! Unforntunatly bungie is down at the moment so i am unable to download... Keep Forging! Edit: You may want to flip the bridges over for a v2 due to people not like walking on uneven surfaces. (I honestly have no problem with it but you may get flamed later for it)
change ur title as not to get infracted or something, because you can only have your map name....nice map though....ill edit this post when i see it in full