This is my first map on ForgeHub called... Please do not make fun of it im not a good forger. Middle(Sword-bubbleshield-regenerator) Camo Overshield and 2 hallways Camo and other 2 hallways(4 total) Thanks for viewing this download here-dont have it yet sorry if its not up to standards the plz tell me!
This looks pretty well made, but I would adjust a few things. First, I would make sure that all double boxes are well interlocked. This is one of the easiest things and looking at your map, you won't have much of a problem. Next I would do the same with the walls. That is a bit harder, but if you use boxes for 90 degree angles, you should be fine. Otherwise, it is a pretty nice map.
Judging by the pictures I'd say this is a good map. I do notice a lack of interlocking and geomerging though. I don't care but forge hub cares.
This map looks Ok. Not much interlocking or merging, From what I can see. 3.25/5 Needs some work, Wall's could be straightened/ Interlocked and boxes could too. I think that you need to make a V2 and make it much better. Trust me, You'll get more downloads and Welcome to Forgehub.
I like the middle sword thing because I have always liked maps with good looking curved floors/ceilings. Could use some interlocking, but unlike most people I won't make a big deal of it. Great job. I'll download... 4/5 EDIT: This isn't up to standards. No DL link. (Sad face) : (
IT NEEDS INTERLOCKING... other than that it looks like a well made map and I like the sword trench. make V2 3/5
hmm i would like to see more trenches but whatever i think that it would look better if you put the bubble shield on the weapon holder its a little known fact that you can put an infinite amount of equipment and weapons on weapon holders, take advantage of it 3/5
mabey interlock some, spread aroud the power weapons and equipment and it seems that itl be a pretty good map
This looks like a pretty nice and well built map, however it looks quite un neat. you may want to try to interlock the walls if not just straighten them out. The sword trench is really cool and probably the best part of the map. I liked how you tinted your 1st pick it makes the post look profesional. Personally i think it is a great map but your name has been used too many times, so 2.5/5 Keep Forging!
Im a sucker for close-quarters maps, I dont care about the interlocking, but like Racoon Sniper said, I dont care but forge hub cares. I would give it a 4/5 and a download for the unique idea.
Thanks and i am going to make a V2 and i will spread some things out, have a download, and if you have anymore ideas please tell me!
welcome to forgehub. this map looks really kool it doesnt look like u did muck iterlocking but for someone who say that they are not really good at forging it looks really well made, however i would space the bubble shield and the regen away from the sword but thats just me. looks good 4/5
This map rules for one with no interlocking and no you are not bad at forging your really good (said in post). I like the map but how do you get to the sword?
ok you see the 4 DB opens? you go into them they lead into middle im posting a V2 with interlocking and everything