Yea doesn't look good for forge. Like Cold Storage. Unless that large open area is available to work in, but we said that about Cold Storage as well. Still looks like a great map to play on.
Wow I love the scenery on this map what about those special windows though? the ones that are like the ones on snowbound?
This looks epic! Reminds me of midship on halo 2! Looks like a great map to play on but i don't think it will be used much like cold storage ..
it could be good for fore, i see no roof? or i dont thik I do, so maybe it could be forged like above blackout type of thing?
I'm pretty sure it comes out September 16 with everything else. There are no other maps, just edits to the old.
From the sounds of the name. I have a feeling this was the whole 'you build the map as you like it' sort of thing. the one that started with a blue square almost looking like a holodeck canvas area that was shown in two of bungies videos. i'm almost positive about that. if it is, that means a massive map that looks cool and the ability to build whatever we want.
The map looks terrible altogether. Its sad how bungie is starting to make all of their maps worse and worse. It sucks.
There are so many features on this map that remind me of other maps, such as... Midship, Derelict and Gemini. The map looks amazing and I can't wait for it to come out, just hopefully the other map that they are releasing has a more forge related design.