a very hard and somewhat well done maze. it will make you do it in forge its so hard spawning open space(help) grav lift hallway of dropped calls long way up hallway of despaire MAP dl Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing VARIENT dl Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
This is what people call a puzzle map rather than a maze but apart from that its fine and some of the puzzles look difficult but whats so bad about the tunnels of despair?
i have a question if this puzzle map contains much turret clipping im not gonna download because its so old and simple so boring to play and if i see the shield door grav lift i think that you must throw a nade in a space or shoot a fusion coil also very old and boring i like to see new things in puzzle maps
I'm not calling your map bad or anything but I'm not into puzzle maps anymore , The reason, Because so many people are making them are they're sometimes really hard or annoying or Just plain old boring. your map deserves a 4/5 if you ask me.
the best part of the map is the help thing. this map is neatly made, but not very creative and it is easy
Umm.. It looks interesting.. However this idea has been done a hundred or more times over. Also most of them completely interlocked or geo merged. But it looks like you have some interesting challenges! Sorry mate but 2/5 Keep Forging! P.S. Maybe make a V2?
anybody who beats it plz tell me because nobody whos tested it or played could beat it without my help or forge