So I have been looking for brushes and I decided to ask you guys what you think are the best GIMP brushes. Please post a link to the brush as well! Thanks and I can't wait to see everyone's favorite!
go to deviant art, and type in Gimp Brushes, and find some really cool ones, i will post back when i find the names of my favs
hmm checker grunge are pretty cool but it's not a brush for every sig. Really you can't go wrong with abstract ones either. Most of the grunge ones are shitty. (of course this is all on deviant art)
Nooooo ignore him use defaults! Defaults defaults defaults defaults defaults trust me they work a lot better!!!
I like the swirly brushes on Deviant Art but at Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy! They have a bunch of cool ones but they might just be PhotoShop. :/
lol no wonder terrax, u always use those in your sigs....haha im currently posting a photoshop brushes pack into the thread with resources, as well as the tut database thread
never used gimp but i say make your own like i do in photoshop. too make things easier make the brush at different angles. it will make one cool idea into 7-10 great brushes!
Yeah, I don't suggest downloading too many brushes otherwise sigs will become about brushes and not other things
I once used brushes in a time that is unknown to anyone but me but now I saw the good side of defaults, almost every signature I made and posted on this forum is defaults minus the C4D's.