This is my first time i've attempted to post a map on Forge hub so i hope i've done it correct. Meeting Point Created by el Noah [br] Supported Gametypes: Supports all Gametypes but was originally built for team games with 2 - 8 people. [br] Meeting point is an identical map originally designed for very hectic CTF. The map features 2 bases each with three pathways leading to the central meeting point with a turret in it. Meeting point is very small and easily works with 1v1's but is spacious at the same time so works well with bigger numbers. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] One of the two identical bases... [img width=800 height=450][/img] [br] Central Turret... [img width=800 height=450][/img] [br] about to grab the shotgun... [img width=800 height=450][/img] [br] Main battle field [img width=800 height=450][/img] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] I Hope you like this map, any feedback please leave a comment or send me a friend request. [br] Download MAP NAME HERE [br]
If you want to get some more posts you should embed your screenshots it would make for a better presentation.
Funny you should ask. Shock just wrote a great tutorial for just that kind of problem.
Believe me, when you see the map you'll find there is not much more to show.....the screenshots were a little bigger and did give a better feel for the map, but when i embedded them they were cropped or something and now they are smaller. This is my first post on forge hub, and i'm still learning the ropes, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the tip Donuts i'll see if i can get some more screens.