I was doing my daily research of batman and I came across this. Apparently Michael Bay wrote a script for the Dark Knight and Warner brothers rejected it. I read a few pages of it and it just reminded me of the batman and robin movies. Things like: Rachel Daws has blonde hair and a huge rack, her farther worked for the military and he taught her how to fix cars. The batmobile is back, along with the batcave. Just really corny things like that. Here is the source
That was hilarious, I like how they even made fun of his lame references. "This is like something out of a COMIC BOOK" XD. Thanks for the link!
It was all just a parody. It wasn't really written by Michael Bay. It is really hilarious and it certainly sounds like something he'd submit, though. lol
Shes the hottest woman in the world but she wears glasses because she is also the smartest woman in the world. LOL
The random exposed breat scene made me laugh, lol. And the slow motion dodging scene repeated 17 times. Oh man that made me crack up. Oh, he's making a Transformers 2. I liked the first, I hope he doesn't screw up the second.