Sector 18 hey this is the new installment for sector 17 map and this one is toned down so its smaller, balanced out, and has traps around corners. so give it a download and have fun. Click here to download map Click here to download gametype Weapons on map 6x Assault Rifles 6x Shotguns 8x Battle Rifles 2x Sniper Rifles Heres some pics Overview 1 Overview 2 Zombies Main Entrance Watch Tower Bunker Frontline Zombie Spawn Armory Human Base
I recomend creating a custom gametype for your map. Giving people freedom of choice will ruin any good thing about your map.
6 shotguns and lost of shield doors typically made for what alot of people consider undesirable game play. not to mention the fact that there are sniper towers with perfect vantage points. I can see you did put alot of work into it though. and you get points for that. 3.5/5
i like the watch tower, if you can get people who wont all go up there and just have one person looking out, that would be cool. the rest of the map looks well thought out and well made. maybe lose a few of the shield doors, not all of them, but maybe the ones at the front would be best 4/5 =)
I like maps like this where you charge the base and defend the bunker or something. the watchtower is neatly made and do i see a shortcut on the zombies side? nice wep list too
What were you thinking!! 6 Shotguns!!! Have at least 1 or 2 and make them never respawn. It will make things fairer for the zombies. 4/5 but well done on the house thing.
Excellent infection map! Though it looks like you may have use little or no interlocking it looks neat as ever! How looking at the spawns just made me ask can the zombies get spawn killed? One more thing as people have already said you should probably make a custom gametype so it doesn't ruin your map. 3.5/5 Keep Forging!
I agree with you on the rating but this is an infection map and i've had the zombies get better advantages with the sheild doors so it pretty much evens out. The sniper is stuck up there unless he wants to jump down so he sacrifices his safety for the perfect vantage point. So once again it evens out. Keep Forging!
You should elaborate more on the wathtower. and IMO dont have an armory becasue then you can just camp. 2/5
i dont see any interlocking, doesnt make the map look good, and on infection-no interlocking means that there is a lot of cracks in the walls, meaning that you could shoot zombies through holes-not very fair. kinda sloppy looking, and armories arent a great thing to have in a map.
alright i put up the gametype for this map so have fun and yah i know it looks sloppy but thats because i stayed until 3 in the mornin and i was tired haha so ill redo it with some interlocking that will make it look neat and tidy and ill take out some shield doors and take out some other things
Remove "with pics" from the thread name. The thread name should only include the map name. Too many power weapons. No map should have over 2 shotguns. Also, this map is very rigged and rough. Smooth it out and interlock. Look at some other maps here at FH. All of the featured maps are interlocked to perfection. Analyzing those may help you see what the FH community expects out of its members. Otherwise it looks pretty good. Big problems are armories. This map looks like it has a lot of camping spots and the ample shotguns don't help that out.
nice map man but as had been said before, too many camp spots, try only spawning 1 shotgun into your next map and put it in a place where it's risky to try picking it up. But nice simple layout, tried and tested ideas, will actualy work when played 4/5 keep it up
Too many shotguns, AND AN ARMORY??? Not enough interlocking or geomerging. Read forging 101, man. Otherwise, I like the map layout. It is original, fresh, and the gameplay is mildly addicting. 2.5/5
well, it looks like a good infection map, but i dont exactly like the armory and the shield doors, and the roof looks kind of messy, but other than that, good job and keep forging
Pretty good gameplay, I actually like the number of weapons on this map, however, adding many shield doors for cover in more places will exponentially increase the fairness. No armouries, they are fairly unprofesional as they take all meaning out of weapon placement, also, three placed assault rifles right next to eachother will be picked up by one person without trying, just for the record. Nice looking, this map doesn't even need interlocking, so excuse those who say it does. 3.5/5
thx for the comments you guys this will help me build the next volume for it and the next one will be neater and of course by many people suggested INTERLOCKED hahaha well if anyone else would like to comment and give me some ideas just type it down and ill read it and go with your suggestion and hey maybe you can help me out.