Given the amount of ridiculous team changes I figured I'd start a thread for all new team changes. I"ll tell you what we know right now: -TD dropped Mackeo (unsurprising, worst placing all season) -Classic Drops Legendpimps and picks up mackeo (retarded, they just outplaced mackeo's team with lesser skilled players and now they drop legend for someone worse. Mackeo and Victory bore me, and apparently Ant and soldier187 are douchebags, my new least favorite team after dropping two players I like. Classic is gay.) -So Legend is a FA, and theres a rumor about TD picking up Igoturpistola who is disgusting. Not confirmed at all yet. Discuss:
I was expecting them to drop Mackeo, I dont even know why they wouldve picked him up. Off topic, I think Elamite (Support), Walshy (Objective), Snipedown (Slayer), and Roy (Slayer) would be the most unstoppable team in any game ever. Funny thing is, theyre all on top 2 teams. That would leave T2, Legit, Lunchbox, and Soviet to team up. Maybe a good team, but definitely not as good as the one above
Why the hell would they drop legend? He was the only reason I liked Classic. They just get a good placing again, then drop someone? I guess that Victory pickup wasn't so good after all. Figures TD dropped Mackeo, never thought that would work out. I don't see TD with Pistola. At all.
Pistola is just like Snipedown. He's a sick slayer and has a tendancy to win, plus snipedown got his start on ambush as well. It would be a great fit.
haha at first sentence. Honestly he fits in perfectly, since TD is kind of the hardcore nerd team anyway. And yeah, Ambush is like the stepping stone to top four for great players.
Yup, TC screwed themselves there. Legend is an awesome player, now I hate Classic, especially now that they have Mackeo. I'll probably cheer for whatever team Legend gets on.
LegendPimps is on Legendz lol Legendz: Legendpimps, Gandhi, Best Man, Defy I love watching this team and now they have a true captain. If you followed naded was on legendz before but now.... Carbon: Ghost, Shockwav3, Cpt Anarchy, Naded Which is a perfectly solid pickup for Karma.... Oh yeah Triggers Down: Fearitself, Hysteria, SK, Karma I'm surprised and happy they managed to pull Karma off carbon. Go Legendz and TD!
Now I can root for TD and Karma! TD was a joke at Toronto, and Karma has needed a new team the whole season.