Okay so I know this looks like one that was done yesterday or something but I didn't use a tut... Okay so here is V.1. Which I noticed that the main part didn't blend very well but whatever. Okay so V.2. I just took a soft brush, flattened the image, and smudged the main streamy thing into the BG a little better. Okay so I changed the background colors by adding a gradient in color mode and then I made the render bigger added another color to the stuff coming from his sword, blended his feet better and then made a new layer and applied the image, set it to multiply and smudged. Okay so here is my favorite and probably final version. I did a bunch of brushing and overlays and applying images and put in some lens flares for brighness and I just did a bunch of stuff so here is the final product. No text Text I fixed the problem with the render added a little more mist and made the sword popout because I wasn't liking it just getting cut off. CnC is appreciated. I especially need advice on the BG.
As for flow and stuff, it's not half bad, the only problem I have with it is the colors, they just don't mix, you know? Also the guy is too small, you have to serch to find him.
Yeah... I was just clueless as to what to do with the BG... But for the main thing the sprite is on I just blew up the sprite and then smudged and erased.
I agree with Actualy Cool, the colours don't mix well. Also, where's the sprite? The guy/girl in your sig isn't a sprite.
He doesn't 'pop' if you know what I mean, try fineding a bigger one, also, he looks like a regular render.
It's better, but not great, too blurry now, the guy is a bit more visible. The colors are okay, but not great.
V2 looks best. But you really need to work on matching your BG to the focal. So, black with a little green would be acceptable here.
Okay so .Core I couldn't get it to be green since I don't feel like redoing it so if you have a quick way of changing it without a gradient map please tell me. Edit: Thanks Hells... It means a lot coming from you.
Dude Hells, I cut out a render of that pic for someone... I think their user was slipknot something but the Spikey head dude was a *****!