This is a great map guys! The testing session went extremely well. CTF was fun and competitive while remaining not too ridiculously impossible. But IMO king is where it's at. I've never had so much fun playing king on a map! It was hectic and crazy down bottom, while strategical and competitive up top. It's a unique mix that plays out for a whole lot of fun. Great job Waylander, all the testers I had with me agreed it was an awesome map. Well constructed and gameplay was definitely a major factor to you when you built this map. You did a wonderful job and I whole heartedly recommend this map, it's one of the best I've tested!
Its a great map well made and fun to play. I watched one of the test videos and it look mad with a large party. Hope your next map is going to have to be mad x3 to top this one. 4/5.
For once, the foundry designer actually showed me a good layout of a map. As for the map, I believe I have seen it in its early stages. Maybe with Insane? Either way, it looks a whole lot better than when I first saw it. The inverted walls with the window panels look great, and it looks like a whole lot of fun. Downloading now, though it wont show until I get on mah bocks. P.S. my GT is FRESH PLASMA. Just in case you might remember me...
Definatly a DL from me, great pallet bridge, and great ideas. I will try and get friends to test with me, and i'll tell you how it goes.
Wow. I have to say that I'm very impressed by this map, especially the layout. After having played it a few times with around 4 people, KOTH seemed to be the favorite gametype, and rightfully so. The bottom floor is just CHAOS, and we all really enjoyed it. Not only that, but the little aesthetic touches you added (the unreachable weapons in the fencing, etc.) were great and really unique. Me likey. However, this map isn't without a flaw. In case you didn't know, there are four places where players can escape from the map. I got out via grenade jumping and buddy jumping pretty easily in all four spots. I simply had to nade jump from the pallet bridges' ends and up onto the top of each open Double Box. I know you're damn near the item limit, which is why I recommend deleting one piece of scenery from each aesthetic box so that you could afford to at least place a Barrier on each hole. Immovable objects like Double Walls would be great, and you have four left, but they're grayed out so I could understand your not being able to use them. Regardless, you've made an excellent map (especially considering the whole debris thing, awesomeness), and by fixing those little escape routes it'd be as perfect as it can be. Great job, and keep up the great mapmaking!
Hey man, sorry I havnt commented this yet. This map is so frickin sweet. Seriously. The flying objects are such a good addition, great way to spice up your everyday game of Slayer. One thing I loved was jumping from the top to assassinate someone on the bottom, pouncing on them all ninja like Another good feature was the pallet walkways. They are a nice touch. And the same for the weapon lockers. Sweet little touch, although very tempting >,< I feel like this map isn't getting enough attention. It really is a great map, worth the DL
Really we should just collect some foreign time zone people (linu is really the only one that comes to mind lol), and I'm always up weird hours. Sweeny and turbo are usually on when you are you as well. I'm sure we could get enough people, you could make a fake testing session lol! I'd really like to play this again, my friends aren't customs fans so I don't get to play custom maps all that often.