Download the map here Dockside was originally made for MattDGiant's Pre-DLC Competition. It has now been tweaked for Slayer and Team Slayer with a few other changes from v1.0. 2-8 players are recommended for this map. Dockside is located on the beaches of Last Resort. As the name suggests, it features a beautiful dock that houses several amphibious vehicles. The border of the map is established by the seawall, or the ruins, as I like to call it. There is nothing past the border, so there is no point in going out of bounds. The dock houses amphibious hovercrafts, transport vehicles and attack vehicles. An overview of the beach Again, I know the map is very open. It's a beach. Sue me. Changes in v1.1: - The Missile Pod's respawn time has been decreased from 180 to 150 seconds. - Respawn time of all vehicles have increased from 30 to 60 seconds. - Teleporters were used to help stabilize the dock, as only movable objects were used to construct it. This is to help prevent people from getting stuck in between the containers and having to commit suicide. - Barriers were added to make splatters a little more difficult and to provide a little bit of cover for people on foot. - More weapons/equipment have been added: 1 Battle Rifle, 1 Machinegun Turret, 1 Trip Mine, 1 Grav Lift - More respawn points were added. Updated list of weapons/equipment on map: 1x Rocket Launcher / 1 spare clip / 120 sec respawn 1x Sniper Rifle / 2 spare clips / 120 sec respawn 2x SMG / 2 spare clips / 30 sec respawn 6x BR / 2 spare clips / 30 sec respawn 2x Spiker / 2 spare clips / 30 sec respawn 1x Needler / 2 spare clips / 30 sec respawn 1x Plasma Pistol / N/A / 30 sec respawn 1x Brute Shot / 2 spare clips / 30 sec respawn 2x Plasma Rifle / N/A / 30 sec respawn 1x Missile Pod / 0 spare clips / 150 sec respawn 1x Machinegun Turret / N/A / 120 sec respawn (Does not spawn at start) 4x Plasma Grenades 1x Bubble Shield 1x Power Drain 1x Trip Mine 1x Grav Lift Vehicles on map: 4x Mongoose 1x Hog 1x Gauss Hog 4x Ghost V1.1 Pics: This is the Machinegun Turret that sits on top of one of the towers of the ruins. Do not assume that the turret is overpowered just because it is on a high point of the map! I made it difficult to reach, and the turret has a 2 minute respawn time and it DOES NOT spawn at start. I guarantee you that it will not be overpowering. Overview of the map The lone platform on the right is where the new tripmine sits. Thanks to MattDGiant for hosting the Pre-DLC Competition. Because of it, I was actually able to make a pretty decent map on Last Resort and not Foundry! I hope you will all enjoy!
Beautiful, a non DLC map on Last Resort that actually has class. The only problem with this that I see it lack of cover, but the aesthetics of it almost makes up for it. My 360 is broke, but what I can judge from the pics, it looks very pleasant.
u should ask matt d giant if you can substitute this map in, although i dont think he will let you.....i like it! 4/5 for a Non DLC map keep it up, and you should get started on the next dlc map, i will try and convince matt to make it either on snowbound, or on sandtrap (lots of noobish maps started on sandtrap, and now with cool stuff, this should be awesome!)
I saw the original map and thought it was pretty cool. I think that your post needs more info on gameplay though. Really, I can't tell much if you are just giving me info on weapons and stuff. I need to know gameplay here. Still it looks sweet.
a map that is worth the dl on last resort. i am amazed. i like the dock its very nicely made. 4/5 only because lack of cover
The way you describe the map make me feel good. Yeah but great job, You really proved that "good maps don't need interlocking."
Needs moar interlocking, just kidding. It looks very nice for last resort and proves that gameplay matter more then the map. It looks good but there maybe to many vehicles is all but other wise good job.
I would try to get more gameplay info and pics, but all of my RL friends on XBL play COD4 =S. I was only testing on my own. Plus, I'm gonna have less time for gaming cause school is about to start and 12th grade is crucial.