I just found this and thought I'd share it people who have been waiting to buy an ipod touch. It looks like there will be a camera included in the updated model. It should be announced officially sometime in September (rumored September 9th). The small hole is for the camera, and the larger hole is rumored to be for a camera flash. Its just speculation of course. Source
meh.. this might actually conivnce me to buy the touch.. reaper just bought the 80gig normal ipod for less.. so i dunno cool thing though. it could be my portable camera.. i never know
People are thinking the hole in the upper right corner of the touch might be for a camera flash. The touch is also rumored to have a storage increase...if that will tempt you into buying one even more.
well if it's just a camera then i don't think it's a perk that will change minds. then again, i'm praying it's not much better than the original because i just got one (free) but yeah. i wonder if it will be jailbreak proof.
Steve Jobs is expected to give a Keynotes speach September 9th. He'll likely reveal the new ipod line along with the new macbooks. They usually appear on shelves a few days after his announcement. So expect to see them mid September. The iPhone doesn't support a video recorder despite it having a camera, so I wouldn't expect video support from the touch.
K thx I - being very cheap (So are my parents lol), will probably get the old touch for my bday. +rep to u.
lol i wanna get one so bad. but i have verizon. and they don't support. thats why someone else should put something up to combat that (yeah i know that there have already been like six other phones made that are incredibly similar)
Murdock...this is the ipod touch...not the iPhone. No contract is needed....as its just an ipod. A fancy ipod, but still just an ipod.
i don't wanna spend like 300$ on somtin with a camera interweb email and music and movies and pr0nzerz lol i just have better things to do with it now
That's awesome! I always wondered why the ipod touch never had a camera, it has nothing to do with the phone really so it should have been in there. Thanks for the info!
You sure it's not just a reused iPhone case? That's where the proximity sensor is, not sure about the hole on the right though...
First off, that is just a dumb comment. When has anyone had a problem with a company adding additional features to a product? Secondly, not everyone wants an iPhone. The cost of ownership is at least $1800 over the course of two years....far more than the itouch. Thirdly, not everyone has Cingular as their service provider. It costs money to cancel your current plan, and in some cases even hurts your credit rating. Some people have ipods, and others have cameras....why wouldn't you combine the two? If it was an iPhone case there would be a normal slit at the top like all the other iphone cases. It looks like there is room for a camera there, and possibly a speaker....we'll find out in about two weeks. Here's hoping..
I've had some interesting conversations with people who try to argue that there shouldn't be an ipod touch to begin with...and that everyone should own an iphone.... it was a very limited view point...and I threw you in with them. My bad again.
ohhhh im not really for or against an iphone or an ipod touch i don't have either, and don't really care for either don't worry about it
Man ipod touch with a camera? I mean is it only me that thinks its weird? I mean whats the point in a ipod with a camera?