Slipknot are awesome! I admit all their old stuff is best but the new stuff isn't that bad! And iron maiden are just awesome ! I like Bring me the horizon, Killswitch Engage, Dragonforce, and many more =]
Slipknot was ok back in the day now they are teh fail, I like trash and some heavyish metal. I mostly like Megadeth, Children of Bodom. Those are good metal bands, I do like some very alternative bizarre sounds like Buckethead and such but I like classic hard rock a lot.
Can't agree more. I miss Mitch... Anyways, I recently started listening to Amon Amarth, and I've gotta say, I love their music. It's weird, since I usually find myself bored with other, similar sounding bands, but I can't get enough of them.
I only listen to 2 bands that happen to be performing any more - Slayer and Exodus. Both of which are too awesome to break up (forever). All the rest were formed when metal wasn't anything with a Guitar, Bass, and Drums. Whatever. People can be stupid about music all they want. Conformity is all they know.