Azure Warpath

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JJ3672, Aug 28, 2008.


On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest), rate this map.

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    2 vote(s)
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  5. 5

    8 vote(s)
  1. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Ah, good Ol'e Azure. This was one of the few maps that survived my Great File Share Cleansing. Nice to see it again with a facelift!

    DLing : )
  2. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    Cool map but on a floating map IMO dont add vehicles. 4/5
  3. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Alright, time for a massive amount of quotes...

    Awesome, good to see you liked it. I'll wait on that feedback.

    Maybe you have seen this before. It's based off the original map, Azure Trail, also made by me.

    You don't have to take it seriously, this is a fun competitive map not a "complete test of skill and patience" sort of map.

    Thanks. I might use that quote if I get around to editing the first post...

    Not much to say here...

    It's not too crowded with the vehicles because, once they bounce off the map, they tend to take a while to respawn, even though they're min/max'd for supposedly instant respawn.

    Simple answer: I ran out of weapon holders.


    Well, since Interrobang either got featured or should get featured (props to Debo), I'll be taking that as a compliment.

    Actually, standoff floating maps used to be the **** before the legendary map pack came and pretty much put them "out of business", so to say.

    And this and Enigma are it for now (I've removed my old maps from my share to make space), I'll be releasing Z3novation soon, just need to test it and find time to post.

    You can invite me if you need some extras, everyone loves the warm, fuzzy feeling of playing on their own maps. And I'm hoping a large team is no more that 5 v 5, otherwise it'll get hectic.


    Actually in this picture the crate was knocked off too so I really was stuck. Maybe you were thinking of a different time? I was probably stuck in there twice or something.

    And I appreciate the testing feedback, it helped me make some of the changes and definitely contributed postively to the quality of the map.

    I'll get to the rest of you later, there's a few too many quotes for one go at it.

    Now on to the rest of those quotes...

    Lol, I wouldn't want to try and dig up the original azure and prove that I made it in the first place, that could've been a pain in the ass.

    And the choppers work just as well as the ghosts, with more splatter potential. It's not like players are going to drive around the map and wreak havok with it, it's pretty much confined to the two top platforms and shield door pathway.

    Shame to hear it. Maybe you've played too many floating air bases where the ground players are decimated by an overpowered force inside the sky base.

    In all honesty, this isn't a floating map over Standoff, it's a floating map over the empty space that exists outside Standoff's cliffs.

    Nope. Here's some more changes in case you need convincing:

    - fixed a starting point/spawn issue
    - hid reciever nodes for better aesthetics and to prevent camping
    - brute shot platforms completely revamped
    - numerous weapon and equipment changes
    - improved boundary wall to prevent escaping
    - pallet pathway across center as another option besides vehicles
    - some sloppiness cleaned up

    Lol at winnoodles, I might quote that somewhere if I get the chance.

    Yes, indeed.

    The portal just provides another option to cross the gap between bases. Without it, one team in possession of the splazer and stickies could keep the other team from crossing entirely, which would hurt gameplay for games like CTF and Oddball.

    Good to hear it. Hopefully you'll pick up the new version for more cliffside chaos.


    I don't think you read my post or understand the concept here...try again later.
    #23 JJ3672, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2008
  4. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Walkthrough videos are now available for both Azure Warpath and Enigma, check 'em out below.

    Azure Warpath Walkthrough Video

    Enigma Walkthrough Video


    I've got a couple of newsy things to mention.

    1. The mini caption contest is still going on, and BennyIV is the current victor. Post your captions for the last action shot (where Benny's quote is now) if you want + rep and your caption shown on the OP.

    2. The thread for Azure Warpath is now up. Comment if you want, but it won't really affect anything, as the new *cough*completelyidiotic*cough* bungie forum system prevents the post from being bumped back to the top under any circumstances.

    3. I might release a custom Mosh Pit gametype for Azure Warpath (with the hill being the center platform) involving Grav-hammers and perhaps Brute Shots. If you've got any suggestions for the gametype or want to help test it, tell me.
    #24 JJ3672, Aug 29, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2008

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