[FONT="]Bandicoot[/FONT] [FONT="]Gametypes Supported: FFA Slayer Team Slayer Oddball KOTH Gametypes Recommended: FFA Slayer Crazy KOTH Recommended Players: 2-8 Bandicoot is a fairly small map. It features a square outside boundary with 4 indented cliffs that contain the starting spawns. For early firepower, each bunker includes two Battle Rifles which should be utilized. [/FONT] [FONT="]The center of the map is where the main features are. At the very top is a bridge in the shape of a + containing the shotgun. Below this is the main bridge. It is made of two bridges curving away from each other and creating a space where a mini bridge is. This super-bridge holds the Energy Sword and the Spartan Laser, along with some equipment and grenades. [/FONT] [FONT="]On the ground itself there are numerous "bunkers" to provide some shelter from the chaos, along with a ghost. A few grenades and weapons are scattered throughout these bunkers. To climb higher in this enclosed area, two merged "rock walls" were created. These walls even contain a sniper rifle to add to the havoc. Here are some pics of the scenery[/FONT][FONT="] One of the starting bases [/FONT] The main bridge [FONT="] One of the two "rock walls" A view of the floor from a lower bunker And now for some action shots. FFA Slayer Madness Defend the Hill! A race to the dropped OddBall Teamwork in a 2v2 Team Slayer[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Weapons, Vehicles, Equipment, and Grenades[/FONT] [FONT="]Weapons: # on map/Spare clips/Respawn time Battle Rifle- 8/2/20 Shotgun- 1/0/45 Spartan Laser- 1/x/30 Energy Sword- 1/x/45 SMG- 2/2/30 Sniper Rifle- 2/2/30 Needler- 2/1/45 Equipment&Grenades: # on map/Respawn time Power Drain- 1/30 Bubble SHield- 2/60 Plasma Grenades- 4/20 Frag Grenades- 4/10 Spike Grenades- 8/20 Vehicles: # on map/Respawn time Ghost- 1/30[/FONT] [FONT="]CREDITS[/FONT] [FONT="]Map Maker: ABigDumbOgre Testers: ABigScaryBear00 / tenderfoot666 / fire streek / SLAUGHT3R3R / anybody I forgot People in Pictures: Purple Armor=ABigDumbOgre Orange&Blue Armor=ABigScaryBear00 White&Blue Armor=tenderfoot666 Dark Grey&Red Armor=fire streek Red Armor= COMMANDER KITY Download at the link below: [/FONT]http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51328294
the map looks good but i would suggest more interlocking because it looks a little sloppy 3/5 for me. make a v2 and ill rate it better
the interlocking youve done looks pretty good and i like that thing you did with the walls in the center thogh you shouldnt have the power weapons so close to each other (sword and splazer)
Wow tips already ok: Stealth: I do plan on releasing a v2 just testing the waters right now. Duckman: the power weapons seem close but it is kinda tough to go from sword to laser without dying in game (I've tried) so its kinda balanced but I might trying moving in v2
IF you interlock this map this map will be so pro! Great work with the layout but if you interlock it and make a few little tweaks this map will be amazing! Great work!
In v2 i plan on interlocking more but if people are discouraged from playing it just download it trust me its loads of fun. (I think my first post is working out nicely)
Like an above poster said, some of the interlocking could be better, but I'll still try it out. I like the inclusion of the ghost.
i love the layout very unique and the only suggestions i have is: 1.) Make the power weapons respawn longer, trust me you dont want everyone having a sword, way to powerful 2.) Only one type of special grenade, i.e: frags & plasmas, or spikes but not both 3.) I would make the ghost either go away, or just raise the respawn, its a really too small of a map for a vehicle of any type =] good job though with the layout!
Well first off nice looking map but like the others said it could use more interlocking. The fact that it is a small map means that you should probably only have one power weapon and if you have two make it so they are separate and no right next to each other. In a FAA one person would have all the power weapons and a team game then control of both weapons would be easy and make the gameplay a bit unbalance. Other wise it is a nice map so make a Version 2 with said changes and this map will be very good, also good title I loved the first Crash Bandicoot for the ps1.
Flip those boxes, interlock more and get rid of some power weapons there seem to be to many for a small map edit: due to lag i apparently posted?
I like the layout and the rock wallness that it has, i'm not gunna post anything about improving it because other people already have, but if you make a v2 remember to test it for even more awesome improvingness!
Nice job, I wish I could come up with maps like that. I dont mind interlocking though, I think its good as far as interlocking goes. I do agree with the power weapons, and im not so fond of the ghost being on a small map like that. Good map, I would give it 4 stars until a v2.
This map looks ok but you really need to use interlocking on the wall bridge things cos it looks like you would have to jump over them to use them. but other than that it looks alright. just make a V2 GJ Liam
the level is very cool, the walls with the fences reminds me of rock climbing up to a mountain, but the middle is unfair, a ghost, lazer and sword? very close together, spread them out, put the ghost spawn far away from the lazer. and put the sword somewhere else.
Again I have already tested this map ALOT and the weapons are fine, they balance out nicely (if you play it you'll see). The ghost does get kills on this map it picks off stragglers on the bottom. I might remove the plasmas and replace with spikes. You don't have to jump on the bridge it is smooth u walk over it fine trust me or play it yourself.
This looks like quite an excellent map! However it does look un-neat in some areas unforntunatly (spelled wrong sorry). However today your creativitiy and map making skills impress me! 4/5 Keep Forging!
I like the center area with the sword! I don't like the lack of interlocking and sloppy forging. MAKE A VERSION 2 PLEASE! I will rate higher when you make a new version... 3/5
i like the idea and looks of the map but there should be some more interlocking on the floor and the ghost doesnt look necsasary