Deja Vu Download It's been a while since my last map but i finally made another one. It's perfectly symmetrical map. It was made mostly for team Slayer, but it also works with CTF,Slayer,Territories... But the thing is it also supports vehicles in this small map. 2-12 players.You may encounter allot of weapons such as carbines,brs,ars also TURRETS, to defend the base. Pictures: [img width=800 height=600][/img] Base A you can also spot a mongoose in this picture. [img width=800 height=600][/img] Base B [img width=800 height=600][/img] View of base A and base B [img width=800 height=600][/img] Ramp in the middle [img width=800 height=600][/img] Other side of the ramp [img width=800 height=600][/img] View from top B [img width=800 height=600][/img] View from top A [img width=800 height=600][/img] Back way B [img width=800 height=600][/img] Back way A Theres also 1 way below the ramp with the sword. And a rocket behing the ramp Vehicles can go through the ramp,back way and the way behind the ramp. VIDEO COMING NEXT WEEK. Download Also credit to: ICEMAN556 for helping me with weapon spawns.
Looks pretty good, though I have not played it because I don't have enough space to d/l it. Maybe I will once the video is up. Pictures are very helpful.
Yup, looks like another foundry map. I need more description, though. From the pictures, it looks pretty average. Tell me what makes this map special. In any case, it looks like you did a good job forging it. *also, it's not PERFECTLY symmetrical... you have an A sign on one side and a B sign on the other [/sarcasm]
Doesn't look bad,but may I suggest a little cleanup since some of the walls and boxes look to you say....not straight? And also,interlocking is time consuming,but pretty much essential at this point.
This looks ok, I don't exactly understand the purpose of having a Warthog on your map though with little space to drive around, plus those shield doors. I personally don't like the layout of the map because it dosn't appear to have any complexity to it. Some other structures or scenery could fill the empty space but then that would eliminate the whole design you have going. I might dl this and try and see what improvements I can do to make it better for you.