
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nobody Worthy, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Quick Note:Aequitas was mainly made by Whisper. But I did a few parts myself. As for the spawns, we left that up to DrawTheLine. So, in % standards... Whisper did 60%, I did 35%, and DTL did 5%. Something like that anyways. As for the name (my idea) we picked the word Aequitas, which means Justice (Got it from The Boondock Saints).​

    Briefing: Aequitas is an Asymmetrical small map that is kind of what I would call a jungle gym. But only in Halo. Some of the areas of the map may look sloppy, but those sloppy spots can actually be used to get to places through out the map. There are also some nice little things in this map that I wont talk about. So you'll have to download the map and find out for yourself. ;)

    As for the weapons/equipment (part of my touch of the map) here's a list:
    x2 Assault Rifles. 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
    x2 Battle Rifles. 45 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
    x1 Sniper Rifle. 120 sec. respawn, 1 clip.
    x2 SMGs. 30 sec. respawn, 1 clip.
    x4 Spikers. 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
    x1 Plasma Pistol. 45 sec. respawn.
    x2 Plasma Rifles. 30 sec. respawn.
    x2 Needlers. 90 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
    x1 Brute Shot. 90 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
    x1 Gravity Hammer. 150 sec. respawn.
    x2 Carbines. 45 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
    x3 Frag Grenades. 20 sec. respawn.
    x3 Spike Grenades. 30 sec. respawn.
    x1 Power Drainer. 60 sec. respawn.
    x1 Trip Mine. 60 sec. respawn.
    x2 Regenerators. 60 sec. respawn.​

    As for gamestypes and amount of players... I'd say (roughly)... ​

    *= better off size.
    1. FFA Slayer; 2*-4 (Three or more is actually pushing it try sticking to 1v1's).​
    2. Team Slayer; 2v2* - 3v3.​
    3. Team Oddball; 2v2* - 3v3.​
    4. Multi-Flag; 2v2, 3v3*, 4v4.​
    5. Most Pit; 2 - 4 (Same as FFA Slayer, 'cept more than four would be pushing it). ​
    And last but not least... the screenshots.

    Layout/Action Shots

    The Slide:

    The Swing view 1 (we call it that because it actually swings back and forth):

    The Swing view 2:

    Hot Spot (not such a good place to camp):

    The Bridge:

    Walk-Way 1

    Walk-Way 2

    The EA corner (I know it's a B sign, not an E sign. But if you look close it does look like an actual E)

    The path up to the Slide

    The way to the shoot

    The shoot (looking up from Walk-Way 1)

    The Hot Spot, being hot.

    Going boom

    Nades... damn them.

    Who says snipers can't be effective on small maps?

    Like I said... effective.

    And, again... (get the point now?)

    And now for some single shots of the two makers:


    Vorpal Saint

    Ok. Done with the post now. This is the closing note. I please ask you to not say anything as "Could use better placement, seems sloppy." etc. We know that it looks like that. It's not because we couldn't make it look nice and neat. I've already stated that it does look sloppy too, so please, try and not say anything of that matter. Thank you and just in case you missed the link at the top... here it is again. link.​

    -Vorpal Saint​

    Gamer720 and Warfang like this.
  2. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    This map seems pretty decent. The forging could use a little but of work with your interlocking and what not but other than that it looks good. I imagine it plays very well. keep up the good work
  3. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Hmm the map looks like it was made in a hurry. Not the greatest aesthetics but it's fine. But never judge the dog after the hairs! It's the gemeplay which counts, right? And I'm sure it would be fun playing on it. So the aesthetics could be improved but other than that; Nice work! 6.5/10
  4. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    I know what you said about the whole sloppiness thing. Still, I'm just gonna say that some of the interlocking and placement looks a little messy. For example, your slide. I personnally don't care, but others will care about the fact that the bridges are slightly crooked.

    On an aesthetic note, I see you used bridges frequently throughout your map. However, you did not flip them over. The darker, smoother looking underside of the bridges are much more aesthetically pleasing. Some people who are freaks about aesthetic might complain about that.

    On ANOTHER aesthetic note, with all of the double boxes you placed, not many of them look good. This has nothing to do with their interlocking,which looks good. However, it DOES deal with the side of the box you left facing the player. Once again, flipping the double box so the underside is facing the player is a goodd aesthetic move. The underside is better looking than the sides or top of the box. It also helps make walls look smoother as it blends in well with undersides of other boxes.

    As for the rest of the map, it looks really good. There is a lot of interesting geometry, such as the before-mentioned slide and the so called "swing". Speaking of the swing, I think it sounds quite cool, and I am interested in checking it out. However, if someone hits it with a grenade or an explosive of some kind, won't it stop swinging or at least, break?

    anyways, great job on the maps guys, it looks pretty cool.
  5. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    not a bad map, looks like a bunch of walls could be straighter and those bridges that are lined up could be better also
    overall i would give this a 3.75/5
  6. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Someone didn't read... -.-

    Kind of, Whisper did more time on it. Sure gameplay counts.

    I agree with most of that. It's up to Whisper if he wants to update it or not. And the swing sometimes just stops, and it some times falls. But it does spawn back pretty fast. It's a nice touch to the map.

  7. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    it looks like u cood use some interlocking in some parts to smooth it out alittle, kind of confused by some of the pix as to ware some things are, but other than that looks pretty decent 4/5
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Looks nice, however it looks like your rushed a little bit the interlockiing looks good but you could have used it more throughout the map with the double boxes. Also a tip flip the bridges over, they allow smoother gameplay.
    However the map looks good
    good job
  9. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    well this map is pretty odd but cool at the same time also you could have made some walls a little straiter but overall i give it a 4/5
  10. criggs3c

    criggs3c Ancient
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    looks fun to play on and the corridors look really tight and closed in n that makes for fast paced and fun game play. cool map, ill dl =)
  11. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Wow this is a great map your interlocking where you did it is very clean! However this may have been mentioned (or asked) but possibly would the gameplay be better if you took out some of the power weapons?

    Keep Forging!
    (+ rep)
  12. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Looks pretty fun! It is one of those maps which makes me think f**k aesthetics because this map is beast although it maybe "sloppy." If you didn't get what I meant I pretty much said this is one of the best maps I have seen that isn't "neat" according to most. I am glad you decided to put playability over aesthetics and beauty.
  13. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Nice map overall, and nice interlocking. the EA sign is very creative. I also like the anti camping place. good job! 5/5
  14. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I like the map vorpal. Looks fun for slayer and I like the shoot. The EA corner is cool! The sun has been done a lot before but it still looks awesome.

    There were only a few things I think you should improve...
    You should straighten out those bridges by the gravity hammer and also if you want to you should flip all the bridges upside down because it makes it smoother.

    ill go have a forgethrough and come back with more detailed impressions!
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    The power weapons don't really make the gameplay that unbalanced. The BRs/Carbines are more than a match for the sniper on this map. And in regards to the hammer, the Needler, Brute Shot, and even the plasma rifle can be very effective against it.

    It's not even that we didn't want it to look good. We were just going for more of a map that has multiple ways to get to everywhere on the map, and in order to do that, we needed to make some places have 'trick jumps'. Therefore, some of the trick jump areas do look sloppy so that you notice them. Otherwise, you might not realize they were there, which I feel would lessen your experience on the map.
    Trust me. If you see anything that looks a bit sloppy, try jumping to it and see where you can go from there. It gives you access to numerous avenues that were closed to you before.
  16. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Great Map

    I think Whisper, Vorpal, and DTL would probably like it better if you tested his map, or AT LEAST, read the description. For any future posts, the reason the objects are slightly tilted off is to complete jumps, or get to different places in the map. This maps is great for 2v2s, but I think that 3v3s or 4v4s is pushing it a little bit. Hopefully more people can take a better look into your guy's map, it's actually really fun and well thought out. 4./5. Thanks.
  17. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Finally, someone who reads.
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    You've already heard enough about the asthetic values and the overall quality of things being aligned and whatnot, so ill skip that aspect of my review.

    I like the overall layout you got goin on here. the slide looks cool, and im happy to see a hammer used for once. [and in a good manner]. I think the sniper rifle will be a very good powerpoint to maintain through the games on this one. Seems that whoever has it most likely has the upper hand, but can easily be overthrown. I definately would like to get some games in with you on this eventually when im feeling more halo-ish. [im stuck to Bioshock atm].

    Overall, i woulda liked to have seen more effort put into making it seemless, but gameplay should always come first, and people tend to forget that now.
  19. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I totally agree with you, it's very important to test a map before rating...
    The map does look very well thought out, I still think they should straighten it out a bit...
  20. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Thanks for all who commented. To be honest in this map the bridges being placed on their top side like they are, they still smooth, in as you don't get stuck trying running over them. Sorry, but in maps Gameplay should come before looks and as Whisper has stated, it's sloppy because it needs to be sloppy for trick jumps. But oh well. Yeah, this map is more about gameplay than it is looks. The weapons are on the map are fine as they are. Nothing overpowers anything and everything runs smooth.

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