
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by chao365, Aug 28, 2008.


How good is it?


    17 vote(s)
  2. Ok

    1 vote(s)
  3. Can be better

    1 vote(s)
  4. great

    4 vote(s)
  1. chao365

    chao365 Ancient
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    #1 chao365, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
  2. Your Poncho97

    Your Poncho97 Ancient
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    This map needs to have pictures if you want great reviews. It sounds ill try it out. 3/5

    JASONYO Ancient
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    I don't understand how u can give a review on something I've never seen. This post isn't up to standards. Sry I don't have the link I'm on my iPhone but embed ur pics by going to and then putting them in ur thread. There r some good templates on posting ur map so check them out. Any more comments about his pics is considered spam unless u have the link
  4. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Welcome to Forge Hub!
    Even though you don't have any pics, you still have to get some. The rules say you need at least one pic, all pictures have to be embedded, and some other stuff. It would also be nice if you added a list of all the weapons on your map, and a longer description. You cannot link your embedded pics to bungie, that won't work. So here's how to make your embedded pics work:

    First go to your player stats on bungie and click Hi-Res screenshots and save the large versions of the pictures to your computer. Then go to a site like photobucket and sign up. Access your album and choose your pics by pressing "choose files". Now select your pics and they should be uploaded. Now click the text that says "http://photob..." under each picture and paste it in your map post one by one. Now you should have working embedded picts!

    Here's a link to a thread that tells you everything you need: [url=]Mandatory Read Before Posting Your Map[/url]

    I wonder why most new members never follow the rules :p. I mean, rules are to be followed, right?

    I hope you have fun here at forge hub and I wish you good luck!

    Oh and rating maps low just because the post isn't up to standards means you're a retard. So stop doing that.
    Bloumbas likes this.
  5. Starstreamer97

    Starstreamer97 Ancient
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    great map but poor description and no pics
    Ryan. K. likes this.
  6. chao365

    chao365 Ancient
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    #6 chao365, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    Da Pig likes this.
  7. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    It seems like this map lacks the use of Interlocking, you need to straighten out some major objects so they fit in better.
    Also, the inside looks a bit basic compared to all the other houses, try being some more creative and add some new things in to make it a more 'trusted' inviorment, so you feel like being in an house.
    Maybe, you want to add a real working door in your house to make it give the players a bit more an great aesthetical feel in it.
    I've seen that you have put Bridges in the house to make a floor, that's also something you could Interlock to make the house a bit more even at all the sides seeing that this house would almost collapse in real life, lol.

    Here are some guides for Interlocking that you could use, also availeable to see at the Forging 101 guides, at the home page:

    Don't you hate when you are trying to make a floor or wall and when you get to the end you find that the last piece won't fit? You don't want to make the floor uneven, so what do you do? This is where Interlocking Objects come in. Interlocking objects is when two objects spawn overlapping each other, so there is no gap or bump. There are two different ways to do it, depending on what map you use it on.

    When you are not using any of the new maps, here is what you do: First spawn one of the objects you want to interlock. Then move it from its original position without picking it up (so either drive it away if it's a vehicle or hit it with another object). Then simply place the second object where you want, and when the round starts they will be intersecting each other. (The APC Hog was created this way.)

    The second way is for the DLC maps, though it also works with the old maps. The reason this applies to the new maps is the new maps have immovable objects, so they are impossible to knock to the side. You begin by spawning the first object that will be interlocked. Then you press X on the object and set Place on Start: to No. Once that is completed, start a new round. The first object should not be there. If it is, make sure you do not have that object set to instant respawn (where the Runtime Minimum is the highest it can be); if it then then set the runtime minimum to 0 and start the round again. Now place the second object where you want it. If the first object spawns before you can place the second object, then lengthen the first object's respawn time. Once you place the second object you can reset the first object settings so that it spawns when the game starts. You can either wait for the first object to spawn and then change it (by pressing X on it) or set the Runtime Minimum for that object to the highest it can be and the object will spawn.

    A special thank you goes out to Vodoo for writing this article

    ForgeHub VT #9: Interlocking Objects and Advanced Floating

    You could also do Geo Merging for an aditional feature:

    This time round we've got another more advanced forging technique that follows on from the interlocking objects forging 101.

    We'll start off by explaining how to push a double box into the ground - once that's explained it's a similar process to force any immovable objects into a wall or any other map geometry.

    As an example, the double box in the first screenshot was forced into the ground to leave it 3 walls high above the floor. To do this, lay 3 walls flat on top of each other and then place the double box on top. Delete the walls so you have a floating double box. Now set the floating box to 'Place on Start: No' and assign it a long respawn time to give yourself time to complete the next steps. Start a new round and the double box will not yet have spawned - however, it's small blue dot representing it's spawn location will still be visible. Looking directly down at the floor above the spawn location, place another double box and lower it onto the ground. Don't ever let go of this double box you are placing, or it will disappear in later steps. Press X twice to bring up the object menu and set the 'Run Time Minimum' for the double box to the 'Run Time Maximum'. This will cause the floating double box you placed earlier to instantly respawn and force the double box you are holding into the ground. Whilst still holding the double box, press start to bring up the menu, save, and then quit.

    Restart forge and the double box will be merged with the ground. Now all that is left is to delete the 'pushing' double box resting atop it, et viola!

    How far do you want the object in the ground/wall?

    It depends how high you float your 'pushing' object off the ground. The space between the ground and the 'pushing' object is how much of the 'pushed' object will be left visible above ground. The same process applies for pushing objects into walls, except you have to go through the procedure at 90° to the floor.

    The object comes out sideways or not straight, how do I make it straight?

    Simple, use double boxes to keep it straight. Put some on all sides so it will go into the ground/wall perfectly straight.

    The objects keep dissapearing when I let go!

    Dont let go of it, instead press start, save your map and quit, when you load up your map again the object will be in the ground/wall.

    Alternate Method: Using the Door
    Faster, easier and more precise

    Place the object you want to merge and secure it with other immovable objects like in the other method. Spawn a door and place it upside-down on top of the box. You'll see it sink into the box about a third of the way. Once it has settled, grab the box and let go right away. The door will now push the box down into the floor. If you want the box deeper in the floor, grab the door again and let it go and it'll sink back into the box.

    This method is much faster and easier than the save and quit method. You can also use the sides of the doors to make smaller adjustments. Use multiple doors at the same time to push objects evenly.

    And you can use the Unlimited Budget Glitch if you want the ultimate amount of objects:

    Ultimate Budget Glitch

    A budget glitched map is one that allows you to ignore the map budget and enables map makers to include far more items than would usually be possible. One of the problems with budget glitched maps is that it requires one of each object to be initially placed on the map. This clutters a map right from the start and is hardly an ideal working environment. There are alternatives, such as in Foundry where there are canvases available with objects outside the map, but if you need to use them it's tiresome getting them back into the playable area.

    So one day, TheCartographer and BuddhaCrane thought: "Wouldn't it be nice to have a fully budget glitched map without any of the clutter?" BuddhaCrane writes:


    TheCartographer (A friend on my FR list) gave me the inspiration for this trick. He got the ball rolling, and I made a rube goldberg machine with that ball. (Silly metaphor)

    Enough with the introductory build-up and suspense! On with the method!

    1. Have two people in the party (either over LIVE or in a Local match)
    2. One person (player 1) goes to the object menu (hit X) and navigates to the item you wish to budget glitch. Then, go to its object summary where you can alter the run-time maximum (hit X again).
    3. The other person (player 2) also goes to the menu (hit X), navigates to that same item. They then spawn that object (hit A).
    4. Player 1, on the object summary, goes to the run-time maximum and makes sure it's highlighted (i.e. so they can alter the number - hit A). The number should be highlighted at "1". (This will have automatically happened when your team-mate spawned the object).
    5. Player 2 holding the object now deletes it.
    6. Player 1 on the object summary is still on the run-time maximum, so despite the object not being there any more, they can still alter the run-time maximum value. Now all you're going to do is simply hit A again (Just make sure the run-time maximum is at "1" before you do so, which it should be if you haven't been fiddling around with it). This will confirm your run-time maximum choice to forge.
    7. Now, when either player looks at the budget summary for the object it will say there are 0 placed on map - but it has a run-time maximum of 1. That's it, that's the glitch!
    8. Rinse and repeat for every object (including flamethrower and filters and any other object with a run-time maximum of 1, it works for those too!)
    Once you have every object so that it has 0 on the map but a run-time maximum of 1 then you're finished. You have a fully glitched canvas with no unnecessary crap littering it.

    Now I know what you're saying. "That's not budget glitched, I can only spawn one of each object before it un-budget glitches!"


    An amazing thing happens. Whenever you spawn an object on this glitched canvas, the run-time maximum automatically increases by 1.

    E.g. You budgeted the double boxes so that there is 0 on the map and 1 in the run-time maximum. Spawn a double box. It will say there is 1 on the map and 2 in the run-time maximum; spawn 3 and you get 4 in the run-time maximum... and so on. The run-time maximum always stays 1 step ahead of the number on the map no matter what!

    Now say that you delete one of those 3 double boxes. The run time maximum will drop by 1, but spawn a double box again and the run-time maximum will go back up again.

    The ONLY time you can't delete an object is if it is the only 1 on the map (the run-time maximum drops down to 0), or if you have already placed ALL of that object on the map (i.e. so the number on the map has caught up with the run-time maximum). Anything in-between that and you can delete and re-spawn to your heart's content.

    Two final notes about the glitch:

    You can also budget glitch a normal map that you're part-way through, just like you may currently do when you accidentally delete stuff. All you actually have to do is increase its run-time maximum by one, that's it - that's ALL you have to do. Just go to the object you want to budget glitch, go to its run-time maximum and increase it by 1 - you're done.

    On the new maps you can also do filters. Now with the old method you would have to put the filter on the map if you wanted to reserve it for later (huge pain, did anyone ever really bother? No, didn't think so). Well, with this method you can reserve it for later because it will have a run-time maximum even though it's not on the map. So if you spend ages making a great map on Blackout and then suddenly decide it could really do with Pen and Ink + Nova filter then you can just select it right then and there, with no need to make sure you have budget left to do so. Nifty eh?

    I hope this was helpfull.
    Bloumbas likes this.
  8. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    well i guess this is more or likely one of your first maps i hope but anyway i get the idea and hope for a v2 with interlocking also mabey a more original name
  9. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    O"_o' Jebus most instruction I've ever seen. Ever. @_@

    Any who, I dl'd to take a peek just to make sure nothing else was hidden that you could add to your description, but this is seriously plain and needs fixing. compared to the other maps out here this is a very low level.

    If you truly don't care about the amount of DL's however and just want to show what you have created proudly, then that's ok to. just don't expect a ton of positive feedback from the more serious forgers around here.

    If this is one of your first maps, it's a good attempt i must say. I couldn't make walls stand straight for a month >_>

    keep practicing, invest in the advanced techniques and you will become great at this.

    keep at it.
  10. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    pretty sloppy
    no interlocking
    common theme
    the best part of the map is that the way the barriers are placed
    i didnt know they could do that
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    its a pretty unoriginal idea, i have to say, maps like these have been made many of times, but im sure as you ocntinue forging, youll get better and more creative. good luckj, and welcome.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    well must say, no interlocking and nothing really orignal. But. WELCOM TOO FORGE HUB!!!!! dont feel bad about your frist post. very few people have a frist post up to FH standerds. so dont let that take you down. keep forgeing and posting. you well learn over time!
  13. Floppy2276

    Floppy2276 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but this is not what I'd expect from an aesthetic map. I realise that you are a novice forger due to lack of advance forging techniques, but you should learn some before posting an aesthetic map. I see that alienvsbon has posted some links to help you with your forging. Also, try and come up with fresh ideas. (The house idea has been used, like, fifty billion times.) Anyway, I suggest that you go with some compedative maps that do not have as much aesthetic value as a purely aesthetic map. Good luck with more forging, and try out some of those new tecniques!
  14. B unit b34

    B unit b34 Ancient
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    It's deffinitly not the greatest map ever but you did good 3/5

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