Hey everyone. Heard the podtacular podcast with truedarkfusion. Wouldnt have known about this place without it. Awesome place! Anyway... This is a competitive map that I have created for use in slayer, team slayer, oddball, CTF, and assault. It is a balanced map with 2 bases. VBA stands for Vertical Battle Arena. This is not one of my first maps, but is one of my first non-special gametype/balanced maps. Hope you enjoy it. Link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17067206 Some Screenshots:
Is this a competitive map? I don't think it would with all the teleporters and named "Crazypants". Casual would suit it much better. The first and 3rd screen shot look really alike too. Adios.
Well true, the name doesnt imply that it would be a well-balanced map, and the mere sight of teleporters screams 'this cant possibly be a serious-play map' but it is. It is meant to be a serious map for serious playing. I guess if a mod or someone with the ability thinks it should be moved to casual maps after further examination then please feel free to move it. I really tried to come up with some way to make an interesting yet utilitarian map that I hadnt seen done too much before. Versions 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0, and 1.1 were named crazypants because I did not yet know where I was truly going with the whole vertical platform based map. Once I started setting up the spawns and areas for different game-types I discovered how usable it actually could be and decided to post it here. I was going to rename it to just 'VBA' but didnt do it yet. Expert snipers are going to love it. Sorry about the screenies, its hard to show what its all about with the pics, you'll have to go inside and look around to get a decent feel for it. =)
Some random floating walls and teleporters scattered, sounds like it sould be fun if you expanded your design. I'd say you should use up the whole map before tune out.
Hmm... I'll definitely be looking into building on the idea here, maybe try rebuilding a bigger version on a more open map sometime soon...