Map Title: CRANKSHAFT The gear started turning,and shortly afterwards there was nothing left but flesh and bone. Download CRANKSHAFT Description: This is Crankshaft. It's primarily a FFA Slayer/Juggernaut map,but you could set up variants for Team Slayer or One Bomb assault. It's main structure is big,but the whole map itself is fairly small,probly similar in size to Warlock or Foundation. The name Crankshaft is symbolic of the main structure that looks basically like a giant gear. The structure has a shaft right down the center that has 4 doors on each level that lead out and into the main area. There is 4 stories and there isn't a clear cut way to each level,but through stairs,portals,and some good ol' hoppin you can reach everything. On the ground you will find that you are almost forced to run around the level in a circle since the main structure is essentially cylindrical giving it an almost run-n-hop-foundation feeling. Two hazards in the level are the floating and well covered sniper perch,which I am pretty proud of design wise,and the Suicide Spin Cycle washing machine which will *EFF you up if you take the wrong portal. The weapon selection is plentiful. 4 Battle rifles,2 Covey Carbines,2 Shotties,2 Spikers,Rockets,Energy Sword,and a Sniper Rifle round out the roster. And of course you have your full assortment of grenades strewn about. *Edit - Forgot about the Spartan Laser and Brute shot. This is my second attempt at an Interlocked level and I am pretty damn proud of the main structure with the exception of the double boxes that jut out for design. There is a small gap you can fall in and not get out of so I added some crates to alleviate that problem,but still,be careful. The reason for this is that if I interlocked them any further they block off the hall ways inside of the structure. So,that's about it...Now enjoy some pics and download it dammit! The Suicide Washing Machine Top of the machine Top of Box Truck,next to turret Top,back Left side Left,back Inside Sniper perch Front Front Ground Back,Right Outside Sniper Under Sniper
Oh man, where to start. This map looks extremely interesting and confusing at the same time. The layout is probobly one of the most crazy and confusing I have ever seen. It is simple but complex at the same time and it is hard to describe it in words. Nice job on the description!
I'm taking it that the sniper spawns in that little box with windowpanels? That probably doesn't translate into balanced gameplay. Powerweapons should offer a risk when getting but in return be worth said risk.
thats looks good. its would get hard to get used to also. How would you know where everything goes and such. it is confusing. does not look sloppy at all. I really like the sniper where you have a lot of cover. One thing is the sniper would easily be assassinated. other than that your map is awesome
The risk is that it's fairly easy to just toss a grenade in through the roof or be blown out of the perch by the rockets nearby. But I can also see what you mean that you could get up there and get a few kills without dying. Maybe a central placing of the sniper somewhere else would be better. But assassination is key top taking out the sniper in IMO.
I'm gonna download the map and have a look for myself, I'll get back to you with an updated opinion. EDIT: I've looked around your map now and I guess I was wrong because it doesn't seem like a sniper haven up there. The possibility of being assasinated and the limited visibilty makes for a good, balanced experience. I spoke too soon.
Yeah, the sniper rifle itself does spawn in the perch but I didn't place a spawn point in the perch, so you have to fight or sneak your way up there and you could be assassinated if you aren't paying attention while sniping.
The map is so complex yet it appears to be easy to navigate. I like the design as well, the centralized structure is organized as well. Nicely done.
very Good 99/100 from me, i especialy like how the title helps give the feel of a machine on the map which it resembles, it seems very complexe but i have to agree with someone^ who said its easy to navagate, somert of. its a bit intimidating though i have to say.
Very cool looking map. You should post the same description in the thread on bungie as the one you posted here on forge hub. You're likely to have more people try it.
This is by far one of the most complicated yet interesting maps I've ever seen. I can't wait to play it...