Bomb Rush This map is a map that will be all sniping and dodging. One team (The Runners) will run the bomb to the other side of the arena while the other team (The Shooters) will be shooting them. The top of the sniping spot is covered by bridges so don't comment about that. The Bomb Carrier is gold so he stands out, that is a small advantage for The Shooters. You have obstacles to hide behind while you are running the bomb. You have 1 life and 1 minute to get the bomb to the end This game helps sniping skills and dodging skills.This is recomended 2v2 to 4v4 Have Fun Download Map Variant Here Download Game Variant Here Pictures! The Runners Spawn The Shooters Spawn Sniped the Carrier The Shooter Hiding From the Snipers Killed By The Coil
Seems really easy to escape, partner jump, or even crouch through the top part of the window panel. May want to add a roof before releasing fully.
I agree, Put a roof on top of the window panels so that no one will ruin the game for everyone else. This is a very nice Idea though. Why did you post in your own thread saying that you were going to download and rated your own map five stars? A little bit stupid, Don't you think?
If you are not the author of this map you should give credit to him/her when posting his/her map. Usually here at ForgeHub we assume that the poster of the map is the author. Also if you were a tester there is no need for you to download...
yeah, it does look easy to escape. i do like theidea that you can kill people by shooting the coils. but why did you post a comment on your own map saying how great it is?? WTF IS THAT!?
Seems very original, and with any decent sniper on the bases, this game is an automatic loss. It is a bit too overpower, and it would seen likely to have a spawn killing occurrence on it every now and then. Overall I would rate this 3/5 And just saying there is a way out of the map also...
It sounds kind of like purple bunker minus the needlers and the bubble shields. If I were you, I might have a little less cover and put things out like deployable covers and bubbles shields so it isn't just run and hide. Well made though as Y35 said, you should put a roof on the shooters' area.
Some stupid people who dont read the description Ok Everyone said "its easy to get out", well if you were smart you would read the description like your suppost to. He said, "I put bridges over the window panels so dont comment about that". Everyone did the opposite of what he said. Anyway looks fun 4/5, i played and it was fun, also some said I agree Also like everyone else said,... you dont need to give yourself an incredibl rating evryone knows your the creator.
Reminds me of a duck hunt, but at the end you get to blow up the hunter! Just like Al-Qaeda! JK Sounds fun 4/5
looks way to easy to escape and it looks like it needs interlocking because the double boxes as the walls look sloppy 2/5 but 3.5/5 for the game variant
as usual new members making fools of themselves saying, "i can escape" but if you bothered to read he flat out tells you theres a roof. onto the map. I like the idea but its not that original 4/5
lol i made a map kind of like that but with less cover and they are so much fun. also the picture with the guy getting sniped while the other one is watching is pretty funny
looks pretty simple reminds me of all those duck hunt games but the shooter is on the side you didnt do a bad job on it, but its not very special 3.5/5
seems like not a bad idea, aesthenics lack though, you could interlock the walls with sign and bridges, and maybe it will look better, also i wold make a third story of walls, so people dont escape its just too easy.