Who really deserves Recon Armor? I only know of two people that have Recon Armor besides Bungie. And the way that those two people got the Recon Armor is by commiting suicide in a crazy way. And its funny to see how they commited suicide but do they really deserve the Recon Armor? I think whoever gets the Recon Armor should have done something great. So who do you think should has Recon?
i think the people who have it deserve it. i mean, can you do what they did? probably not. no offense. but what they did either takes skill or they just got really really lucky.
Yea im not saying they dont deserve it Im just asking people if they think that they deserve. And no I cant do what they did because what they did was extremely lucky and probaly a one in million chance of someone doing it again. But who do you think should have Recon that dosent have it already?
i know but i am just saying imagine every little kid in the game bragging bout recon it would be like hayabusa all over again if they deserve it they deserve it and should get it
:halodiscussion: TrueDarkFusion has my vote! I'm surprised he doesn't have it already. Although, considering he plays elite, he probably doesn't care
Kapura - Then a lot of people would have recon and certain clans/communities couldn't brag to others. I think everyone who deserves it already has it. Besides Lintendo, he really just got lucky. No offense.
IDK but I have been on Bungie Favorites, Electronic Gaming Magazine, and I have the most downloaded community made map. I think it is time Bungie handed it over.* *BTW Bungie I am in no way asking or implying that you should give me recon armor with this statement.
I dont think Lintendo's map was that great so i dont think he really deserved it that much. I think he just got lucky that he was posting on NeoGAF and lukems was nice enough to check out his map. I think there are 2 guilders that really deserve the armor, and that is TDF and Shock Theta, and i also know that neither of them even want it.
Some of the guilders really do deserve it. The Citadel was much better than the great wall. But it is mostly luck who gets it, if your in the right place at the right time, you may find yourself with recon. Even though recon looks terrible....
i have a suicide by a cone, and a suicide by my own sniper shot, both on video, and i dont have recon, the two other people i know who have done these things have recon.
TDF, obviously Trick, also obviously Shock, for Citadel And IDK the rest... _________________________________________________ Wow... that's b/c once they did those things, everyone did it themselves and said "OMG!!!!!!! I c4n h45 R3(0N??????????? I d13d cuz 1 5h07 m3 537F!!!!!!!!!!!!111eleven!!!! one!!!!"
I'd be happy if I did something mildly entertaining and got the shoulder pads. Bungie can keep my Helmet and Chestplate, I just want the shoulders.