hey everyone, monkey here, i recently created a background for my friend, brian, who told me what he wanted, and i would make it. so this was inspired by him. just want to know what you think. PS, he has a strange desktop size, 1600x900. (i know, its strange, but true) and if you would like a variation of this background, just post your size and i will see what i can do. but, if you want a variation, you gotta review. thanks. monkeyrantz
o my dingbat! really, good thing i cant drink that ****! (whatever supplement they use in it, doesnt work for me until, 8-10 hours after i drink, resulting in all nighter) i dont like all nighters, so im as safe as being in a bullet proof glass box with ventilation!
My friend told me that when I bought 3 of them and drank them like 1 2 3 and then I ate a full bag of chips and like you I went crazy about 10 hours later, and after I drank and ate that I fell right a sleep... WTF? Oh thats a good idea that Vinny had, can't wait to see...
ugh, all that **** doesn't do anything. I'll down two of them, and children couldn't sleep like I do.
it depends on the individual, for example, my friend nick, who will have a red bull every morning because its "tasty". me on the other hand, had my first one and thought, "phew, nothings happening" (i have epilepsy, dont worry my doctor said videogames were okay, ive never had seizure by them, i did have a seizure by lack of sleep though) but later that night, heart pumping +all nighter, sickening. NOTE: ive tried it twice, same reaction.