hey i have a question. so i'm playing halo and assassins creed (sometimes rainbow 6 vegas) and i think, "that'd be an AWESOME screenshot!!" how do you take screenshots in a game? can you?? i know on halo you can just go to theater etc... but is there a way for like assassins creed? or do i just need a pricey capture card >.< thanks in advance
Yep, you are going to need that pricey capture card. Halo 3 is very unique in its' Theater mode with being able to save screens and film clips.
One option is a pricey capture card, the other (if you don't mind the slight quality drop) is to go get an EasyCap.
Digital camera? and im pretty sure you wont need a pricey capture card, as the extra expence only enhances the FPS capability (to my knowledge)
Just take a picture of your screen with a digital camera! lol. pic would be crappy though. ~mackmack5