Source UK, August 26, 2008 - Master Chief's next big outing could herald the launch of the next generation of consoles, with rumour abound that Halo 4 is to be amongst the first wave of titles for the Xbox 360's follow-up console. Alluded to in the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine, which has been thumbed by Joystiq, Gearbox is said to be working on the fourth instalment proper in the bestselling series. Gearbox's own Randy Pitchford – currently doing the rounds extolling the virtues of the studio's imminent Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway – was recently quoted as saying of the company's next project, "When you find out what this is, you'll likely agree that I can't oversell this one." Gearbox is also currently at work on Aliens: Colonial Marines, a full-blooded first person take on the film series that's proved such a rich inspiration for the Halo universe. Discuss.
I read some of the article on I like the fact that Halo is moving forward, but I do not like the fact that I might have to get another console, just to play it. I would rather have it on the 360.
I say rumor or not, **** it. Microsoft has enough of my money, the 360 just came out in 2005, I don't wanna hear about next gen yet. And I especally don't want an MC game developed strictly by Gearbox, I hope that this is a ****ed up untrue rumor.
If it really isn't being produced by Bungie, then I have my doubts about how good the game could truly be.... I could see it being on a new council....the 360 has had many problems....many.
Gearbox made Halo PC which although was just a port, was still a good port. I'd trust them over just about anyone else to make the game besides bungie.
QFT, but on another console? I can't even see enough advancements bieng made in the last 3 years to warrent a new console. The 360 can handle the next-gen games fine, games with graphics far superior to h3, i don't see a h4 bieng a huge improvement, it will always be choppy in areas.
its funny tho how bungie likes to taunt their fans but they did put it out there that there will be no more games including MC in that storyline of the triliogy. in other words, i dont believe this rumor.
Well this could very well be two to three or fours off. However I would rather see another 360 halo game made by bungie with a multiplayer only focus first (I still think this may happen). No one is ready for the next next-gen systems yet, they would cost a fortune and probably feature only a small graphical increase (the difference between systems is starting to get smaller). I want a h1 remake with new maps, live, forge (for editing weapon spawns), and a real map maker. That would satisfy me even if the graphics were the same as halo 3's.
yeah that would be great. halo CE remade with halo3 graphics! i would definitly buy that. i have a origional halo CE but it dun work my xbox thinks its a dvd or just duznt read it. a new one would be great. especially with an actual fricken map maker.
Well if its on a new console, it still has to be a Microsoft console so it'll the same amount or more problems.
The original xbox wasn't riddled with so many problems....and trust me...Microsft had so many problems with systems because they tried cutting corners on expenses....which in the end cost them more in repairs. They won't make the same mistake least that severe of one. Launch systems always have problems.
Lol, I'm just a Microsoft h8er. You'd think they won't make the same mistake again. Sometimes I think all the gaming console companies need to slow down. But since everyone is willing to buy the new consoles, that will never happen.
well, if you think about it, the original xbox was released 4 years before the xbox 360, believe it or not, if the pattern continues, we might have another console on our hands. (im thinking the same thing. ****!) well, it would suck. many of us have only had the xbox 360 for 2 years, it may seem like a short time now, but to those money hungry sons of bitchs who make the consoles, its been long enough, i do hope its a rumor too, but chances are everyone, its not. but i dont see halo 4 coming out for another 3, 4 years. bungie has 3 projects going right now, all for halo 3. halo 4 cannot be close. so under my opinion, next console, 2009-2010, TRUE. (unfortunately, remember, its not my opinion, it just makes sense.) and halo 4, 2010-2012, MAYBE. only microsoft knows, and we wont know until, maybe 6 months before the release of the new console. "the future can sometimes be an ass. the past always tastes sweeter. now goes by too quickly." <--quote from a trusted friend.