Yes. im back after being grounded for 2 weeks. Anyways Im working on some rankbars that we could use with this new skin. This is my rough draft, made from scratch. Like I said, this is just the first version. Comment and Critique.
the black border on the top of the actual rank bars (the part with the blue bars) seems very pixelized, maybe blur it or smooth it and it will look better, and the weapons seem out of place for some reason
Those look waaaayyy better then the ones we have now, those aren't as boring as the ones we have now, and those ones have some more 'flow' in them.
Take the weapons and center them behind the rank bar, make them bigger, and put the opacity down between 80 and 90
These are a great start! It needs some smoothing out though. Good luck on this, maybe they will use these for the new skin.
The wave looks choppy on the top part and the bottom part, just smooth that out and they look really good.
A way you could deal with the pixelization is by making them blurred at a larger size, then scaling them down to the normal size. Other than that, I don't like how small the weapon is, and I don't like how the blue bar turns up at the right end of the image.
it looks really cool but im not so sure of the curviness oh and btw:shall i reopen our shop under me as OP cos u disappear like every so often?
Ooh looks very shiny! But the status thingy looks very pixelized, but other than that you shouldn't change anything.
Pretty much what everyone else said. But I would make it so the text is more central but as you said these are V.1's so good job so far.