Yeah, I forgot how to get things float in the air without saving then ending the game. This means no stacking things and then deleting, I am looking for the method.
their is a method to floating things without saving and then ending the game, like things that are in midair.
I know what you're talking about. There was a series of buttons you can press and then it would remain floating in the air. However I do not remember this combination. Sorry =/. I would suggest going onto youtube or google and trying to find it there. The web has everything.
1- Place object on ground below where you want it to float. 2- Move above the object and look down. You should not be able to pick the object up. 3-Go into the create objects menu. Hold the back button, then move forward (since you are looking down, you will move down) 4- While still holding back, pick up the object. Do not let go of the back button. 5- Now you are free to either move up and have to object float just above where you had it, or move to the side over a gap. 6- When your object is placed, let go of back, and spawn some other object. The object you will previously holding will fall to the ground, but it's spawn point will still be floating where you were just holding it. Feel free to delete the object you just spawned. Simplified 1- Place object on ground. 2- Float directly above the object at a distance where you can't pick it up. 3- Press X (or whatever button opens up your spawn item menu) 4- Highlight the item you're trying to float 5- Hold back, then move forward. 6- Press your "pick up item" button. 7- Move up or to the side to get your item where you want it. 8- Let go of back, pick any other object from the spawn objects menu, and make it. 9- Delete whatever you just spawned, and wait for your object to respawn. (Or restart round)
If you've got another controller, you can also just spawn an object and then rest the immovable atop it while it's still in the grasp of the second controller...