So i bought halo 2 again a few days ago after missing the lovely close combat loud gameplay that i dont feel as much in halo 3. Anyway I go into matchmaking to find on about 500 people online. This angers me so much. I dont get it, You get people moaning about remakes, but they wont play that map on halo 2? Anyway LET ME get to the point. So we do lots of competions on forgehub right? Well heres a challenge for you, How about a HALO 2 FORGEHUB TORNAMENT? Your thoughts?
This is a great idea. I think that Halo2 had the best maps ever for the series. I do notice how much worse the reaction time is for your character and the semi good graphics. I think this is a great idea. I would happily participate in this and I think this needs to be sticied, or a more official thread stickied
Same here! Sound Great I loved all the Halo 2 maps with the exception of midship! (˜˜˜||˜˜˜˜||˜˜˜˜˜)_?__________l 2012_________.`=====.-.~:________\___|================[00] |_|||___/___/_/~```|_|_|_|``(o)----------<)
I thought that halo:CE had the best maps, wizard, boarding action, hang em high, blood gulch, sidewinder, damnation were all a blast. I can't think of many maps I like in halo 2 and 3 put together.
This does sound like an interesting idea, however, not everyone on this site has halo 2. And currently with 2v2 tournament going on, the chances of this happening in the future are slim. I would suggest bringing it back after the tournament. But I would definitely participate in it if it did happen.
If it was asked now it could be set up for future plans. I know quite a few people who, for some reason seem to be way way better at halo 2 then halo 3. I suck at halo 2. It doesnt really matter if someone doesnt have halo 2 they dont have to participate, But how can you not have halo 2...?
Here's a tip. Host it yourself! Forgehub's tourneys always involve forging(so far), so I doubt they'd be sympathetic to your request. Other than that, FH has the 2v2 tourney which will go on for a few months, so your H2 won't be able to hit the front page for a very long time.
Hey, if you wanna help set it up then thats no problem ;D Seriously, We could set this up after 2v2. Who considers helping?
I'm sure people would set it up with you, but I believe there was a party last TGIF that played Halo 2. You should try signing up for something like that.
Just want to do something awesome. Ive not done a TGIF yet because its a bit confusing to me as i havent read enough on it, anyway getting back to the point. It would fill halo 2 up for a bit....
I'd rather have new maps though. Of course there are going to be some fan favorites that need to be remade, but there is no reason that every single map needs to be remade.