Hey I'm making a new map and just need some help geo-merging two corner walls in different spots... if someone could help me out with this please just FR me and well join up whenever we're both on.... thanks in advance.... gamertag is Kjjqxyrst
Thanks Alien for trying to help me but he was also unable to help.... if anyone else could try to help please send a FR
all you need to do is support it from both front sides and back sides, no need for the edges, and just the door meathod, with the doors focused more in the middle. i had trouble with geomerging corner walls too, but just have the doors more in the middle, and it works far better than having them on the sides.
Just check out the video on Youtube, it shows how to Geo Merge walls into the ground. Just search: Geo Merging with Doors.
Hey, I'll be glad to help, I'm like making new friends, go ahead and send me a friend request. Although my friends list might be full, so send me a message saying "delete someone for me!" or something. I'm really good at geo-merging things. I feel guilty that I'm about to say this, but I hope you're not a little kid...hehe.