Olde Towne By GrabThaTech420 Download Olde Towne here: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I have had the idea to make a map like this for a while now, i just finally got around to making it. It plays very well, but it only supports FFA Slayer and Team Slayer (V2 will support oddball.) It has been tested over and over by me and my friends and plays extremely well. It covers half of the Foundry level, making it ideal to play FFA Slayer. Not too big, and not too small. It has a nice sniper tower with window panels for shelter and their are multiple ways to get up to it. Also their is a nice building structure in the corner with a sniper in it also, and has two levels to the building. Nice interlocking all throughout the map to provide smooth playing. There is also alot of ways to get up to the different areas of the map. Note: The snipes have only 4 bullets in them each so that they do not own everyone playing and they have a long spawn time so the person with them isnt controlling the game. Weapons: x3 AR x1 Needler x1 SMG x1 Magnum x2 Sniper (4 shots each) x1 Shotgun (1 spare clip) x2 Spiker x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Mauler x5 BR Equipment: x1 Bubble Shield x1 Energy Drain x1 Trip Mine x1 Active Camo x6 Plasma Grenade x4 Frag Grenade x1 Firebomb Grenade x2 Spike Grenade This is only my third map post and i really think that it wont dissapoint. Please DL and let me know what you all think of the map!
looks like its interlocked with care and gameplay sneaked in the back door like a ninja i always love to make ffa maps but there always to small so they kinda suck.. kudos
wow this actually looks pretty good and all but the only thing that you should fix is the floor in the first picture because it looks a little sloppy (its the only sloppy part) but other than that good job on the map
looks good i can see interlocking but in some places it looks a little sloppy maybe you should make a v2. and in some parts there is no interlocking its just plain sloppy 2/5
the map is okay, i must say you did try to interlock but it doesnt look well planned in some areas. I'm diggin the whiteish double box, how'd that happen? lol
i looks like the snipe might be a bit over powering if a decent person got it. take away the window panels, or put the sniper down low so they they have to take it to the vantage point. other then that 4.5/5 very well made. DL
this looks like a very well made map. the astetics are pleasing and very nice to look at. nice use of interlocking to. gameplay like slayer, oddball, and vip would be good for this map.
Map looks good, i like the layout and the structures. Your map has good potential. But as "xpwx stealth" Said above it does appear a bit sloppy, perhaps cleaning it up a bit and it could be an amazing map. 4.5/5
meh i guess its good needs to become a natural map like say pallets against boxes, fusion coils, crates in some areas and not trying to make em as well designed as ur map. u do have some of that stuff there but i donsee that many guns laying around. from the looks of it, it looks liek u only have BRs ARs and a sniper. i guess since ur awesome interlocking and map disign makes up for it... 5/5 (4.99/5)
It has nice interlocking but is there any merging? I can't see any so, For now, I give it 4/5, I'd say this would be fun for FFA Slayer. I might download it later, I'm not too sure.
Good map 4/5 its alittle open in the middle though and if you interlock all your boxs it'll be alot smoother looking forward to a possible V2.