Why don't we make a griffball team?(if we have one tell me so i can track the team on Griffball.com) puredark and the admins,moderators,players...ETC P.S i dont really want to play i love griffball but i never have time to play griffball Heres the website: http://grifball.com/home.php
Wow. I was thinking of posting this same idea in a few weeks, but you beat me too it. I volunteer to be the captain if we need one. It would be great if we had some Guilders or something who support this. As you can see, I am also into Grifball. || \/
I actually find the game of griffball very boring, with the exception of if you are with good friends.
I'm sure you could get enough people interested that we could have our own FH grifball tournament. You only need 4 people for a team. (I think)
If we got eleven people together we could start our forge hub tournament! Becuase we need to wait till the curret leauge is over till we can join the official one. :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
If we do start our own tournament I'll join as long as I can, but I don't think I can join in the official league as long as things looks like they do right now.
I dunno if there's enough people around here who enjoy it enough, or who really want to compete. It's fun and I'd join, but I'm really bad at it. Sorry.
For the Official League we would only need 4-7 players. I don't think it would be that hard to find that many people here who are interested in Grifball.
Wow... is TrueDarkFusion, not PureDark. But anyways... I dont see why Grifball is soo big. Its quite boring.
I would definitely join if we had a grifball team, but I think we should join the other league before making our own.
I will be making an "official" thread towards the end of the first season/league. Just wanted to tell you all that this wasn't done for. I'm going to go through with it.