special thanks to Juggernaut448 for the panorama. All your base are belong to us! A game of Conquest, 4-10 players.Download Conquest gametype here For those of you that don’t know about Conquest, it’s a fast-paced Territories variant that is a constant push and shove match where what you conquer is never fully yours. Conquest was originally created by AZN FTW, and full credit goes to him and to what has come to be a standard gametype here at Forge Hub. I’ve chosen to create a Conquest map around Standoff, and I feel that Concussion brings a little something special to the game. Straight to business, then. Both teams start off in their respective bases/bunkers. Throwing the switch to the gates will get you into the first Territory, and you’ll also be rewarded with a Brute Shot and a Deployable Cover. Head back out through the base (your way will be obvious; everything else is blocked off) and you’ll reach the second Territory to claim. At the end of this corridor you’ll find a Custom Powerup and a teleporter that will take you to one of Standoff's launch pads where three more Territories reside, and where most of the action takes place. There are three floating receiver nodes for each team to make your entrance to the launch pad a little less predictable, and a Custom Powerup on a short respawn timer to further help eliminate teleporter camping. There is also another sender node for each team back to their own base. A grav lift on a 10 sec respawn acts as a ‘door’ that you have to open to use the teleporter and infiltrate your enemies’ base (I've found that a Spike Grenade works the best). That’s the gist of the layout. Your team’s goal is to capture and hold as many of the seven territories as you can for each of the three, 3-minute rounds. Since the size of this map is a bit larger than the other Conquest maps that have been made, I’ve added some things that the gametype doesn’t normally allow for. Battle Rifles and Carbines are located in each team’s bunker, and a couple of pieces of equipment have been thrown into the mix. As well as the previously mentioned Deployable Cover, there is also one lone Power Drain located on the underside of the activated launch pad. Much thought was put into whether or not equipment or even the mid-to-long range weapons should be added, and after a lot of testing I’ve determined that they work really well for the map. The Power Drain only spawns once per round, and the Deployable Cover is located in a portion of the bunker that is time-consuming to get to, not to mention easily dispatched by the Brute Shot. Weapons List: Battle Rifle – 2 (1 clip, 30sec) Brute Shot – 4 (2 w/1 clip, 30sec; 2 w/no extra ammo on launch pad, 60sec) Covenant Carbine – 2 (1 clip, 45sec) Magnum – 4 (2 clips, 30sec) Needler – 2 (1 clip, 90sec) Plasma Pistol - 2 (30sec) SMG – 4 (1 clip, 30sec) Sniper Rifle – 2 (1 clip, 90 sec) Spiker – 4 (1 clip, 30sec) Equipment List: Flame Grenades – 2 (90sec) Spike Grenades – 12 ( 4 per base, 30sec; 4 on launch pad, 45sec) Deployable Cover – 2 (60sec) Power Drain – 1 (180sec) Custom Powerup – 2 (30sec) I should bring this up now, because there will no doubt be some responses of “LOL, I broke your map!”. Due to the scenery limitations of Standoff, it is possible to escape the map in the launch pad area. The fact that Conquest is such a fast-paced game leads to this not being much of a factor. However, if you somehow find yourself outside of the map’s boundaries, there are two teleporters nearby to take you right back into the fray. And If you’re one of those people who purposely try and escape a map at an attempt to be cool, screw you and I hope you die. You’re making your team lose, you douchebag. I’ll leave you now with some parting screens of gameplay. A big thanks to everyone that helped me test this and a very special thanks goes out to Predicide for hosting a preview game of this in last Friday’s TGIF session.
I like the idea of the map and the fact that you didn't build this on foundry. The map looks very well built, but can you escape the map? That's not a problem anyway(only stupid people do that). Pretty nice map=4/5 yay 1st post.
lmfao, i agree aha. anyways i like this map. i'm not a big territories person but this is something to get me hooked. 5/5 +rep dude, nice work ^_^
Hey, nice job on the map Squiddy. When I was watching the video, I was like, "Holy crap! Snipers in a conquest map!?". After I went through the full video, I agreed that it was needed. It added some kick to the gameplay. Anyways, after watching the full video I think I can safely say that this map is a 5/5. I'm going to give it a download and play a few rounds with my friends sometime.
That is one sexy panorama. Like I said in the Exclusive thread: *Wonders if anyone knows where this picture came from...Besides 300 you ****in numskulls* Lastly, I want to see if this would work for Rave...It seems like it would be almost perfect, just a little big.
i'm not usually a fan of team slayer and ctf games but that looks really fun, with the two bases, it just looks really well thought out 4.5/5
I like the concept of the gametype. Territories has always been a bundle of chaotic fun. I'll check this out.
This kind of plays like a "Big Team" Conquest, with the center being so much larger than all of the other maps for the gametype. I thought it was a good way to see how well the gametype played under this scenario, and I think that it plays pretty well. I'd be interested to hear how that plays. If anything, you could just have everyone spawn on the launch pad if the bases make it too large.
Ya, it would take a bit of tweaking, at the very least for weapons & grenades. Either way, I have it qued, so I will be trying this out. Maybe our first game together can be on your map? ^Sounded...Kinda...nvm...
i like how you inclosed the map but i think the flags are a lkittle to out in the open and seem easy to get to but easy to be seen with it which covers that up
very well done!, that looks spectacular! i like the fact how it actually looks like something under military use. and the kick-ass picture on the front, looks nice 5/5
it looks really good im going to download asap , and hays how did youget the paroramic.. view please pm
I useally just report spam posts in the map section and talk to friends, but when I saw who the map creator was I knew I had to say something about it. First thing I have to say about it is Conquest. I just love the gametype and how it plays. Another thing I have to say is. This is further proof that you Don't need over interlocked maps just for it to be good. And the last thing I have to say. The gameplay is a key role in how it plays along with how the map is built. I think that is all I have to say about the map other then great map and I will be expecting great things coming from this map. Congrats to the creator and I know you must have worked real hard on it.
i like it, but if the teams have a flag inside the base, they pretty much spawn right next to the flag and get one point, is there a way for blue team to get to red flag faster than the red team can? or atleast be able to stop them from an automatic one point to them?
Nice to see ya back in action squidhands. This looks awesome, I don't think I've ever seen a Conquest map like this before. Great job, you have my download for sure.