Im making a kick ass map, but i want to make presice geomerges (not with doors) And every time i try the other way that i read on forging 101, it doesnt work. Can someone please show me how to do the glitch in a game (gametag=dckilla96, im on pretty frequantly so youll probaly see me around noon if want to show me) or link me to a video showing excactly what to do?
when even i use doors it turns out horrid.I use guides and everything, but for some reason something always goes wrong.
Either brace it with teleporters or brace it with walls with the side of a door stuck into the wall. I like teles better cause if its tilted a little you can just grab a corner and that corner will move up plus it saves doors.
I'm having the exact same problem. I can't seem to geomerge an upside down, open double box so you can only enter it by crouching. After 2 times of geomerging with doors, the 3rd try will push it under the map, or it will be slanted. The other way I can't get to work either so any help is appreciated.
1. Open boxes are really hard because of their hitbox. 2. Use the side of the door rather than the top, the top asks a lot out of the box at one moment.