I actually thought someone would have stumbled onto this glitch earlier. After reading this I'm just thinking, why didn't I come up with that, accidentally or not. Nice Find Guys
Thank the lord for you and your friend! I never used budget glitch because it was a pain in the ass but you have fixed all problems! You guys have created a miracle for all forgers + rep for you!
These maps will come in handy for me!! No objects on a map that has a budget glitch!! I downloaded all 3 maps because, You never know, You might have a feeling to build a map on Balckout or Avalanche other than Foundry.
OMG you guys are so smart! You get a million dollars and infinite girlfriends. And recon armor. And some swedish chocolate(trust me, it's like 20x as yummy as all of the chocolate in the world). Dudes this is so useful, thank you very much!
This is OK but the first object you place of any type of object is just like the unlimited money glitch. You may as well get a normal money glitched map and place the money glitch items in to your map. But it is still a good find and I'm definitely going to use it for a future map.
This is so ridiculously amazing. I wish I coulda known this before i finished my latest map. This is a really great find, hope more to come on items limits
Thanks guy for all your comments. Buddha and I where amazed at the simplicity of this and could only imagine at the usefulness it would hold. Now just wait until Gamer720, BuddhaCrane, and I ( The Paradox Forgers) come out with our next project that will again shock the community.
If this is a good as it sound and never glitches up really(At least with how I Forge) I am replacing my current Canvas maps. P.S. We should have a full Canvas thread with every - Regular Canvas - Infinite Money Canvas (Since some people might not like this) - These Canvas Maps - Unusual Canvas Maps (Like the Dome Canvas and Ship Canvas)