=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: I Carter I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Description: /5 Pictures: /5 Map Idea: /5 Map Quality {layout}: /5 Map Quality {looks}: /5 Comments: Overall: /5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~ I Carter I Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.
The map doesn't fit the name but the map seems decent.i like all the geomerged items.The east and west bases are pretty cool, but the map seems kinda open.
I really am not to crazy about this map because there are not many hiding areas and i like to playing halo 3 MLG Maps that that hav places that have hiding spot.But the only thing i like about it is that you made this map with clean forgeing skills
it looks like a fun and entertaing map, but the only thing that really gets me, is the lack of cover, im sorry, i just dont see much of it
Meh, I don't plan on making a Version two. I might add 4 more walls in and two corner walls, but there IS enough cover, I've tested it.
creative name copying a Halo 2 map lol which it looks nothing like. Still pretty nice looking map though
I noticed I copied the name when I though back to the multiplayer local fun my friends and I used to have. I was going to name it something else, but burial mounds is more appropriate. I dunno, just enjoy the map people!
Obviously you didn't read the description. Are you spamming or just beig lazy and looking at the pictures?
your map looks pretty cool! u got my DL. only thing is there is no shotgun in MLG. thats the only flaw with this map. still a good map though.
Gosh, the Newbs these days (Not insulting, its a word meaning someone inexperienced....look it up) Read all my post please. I replaced the shotgun. Gosh.
i looked at the map title and clicked on it hoping it would be inspired by uburial mounds but it isnt. i like this map and i see there isnt any high low spots everything is close to closer to the ground and looks quite decent i dont know much about mlg maps but i like to play them.
The centre area feels a little to big, though it's almost the same size as Amplifieds, it feels like a larger area to cover. Nice work, great merging.
This is very clean and fun.I love the geo merging and inter locking it was so neat and balanced i'd have to say it was great.10/10
Wow this a fairly nice setup for MLG I like the look of this map, I cant really see where gameplay can be affected on this map nice interlockage. I like the fence walls at each of the bases nice touchup.
The name is catchy though it doesn't seem to resemble the H2 map at all but good job either way. merging is smooth and design doesn't seem too open. great job. 4/5